Saturday, February 26, 2011

Rob's Birthday Wishes?

This was made for me by my beloved Trixie
a birthday or two ago.
It still remains one of my all time favorite 'gifts'.
Who wouldn't want Robert Pattinson
wishing them a Happy Birthday?

I love it.
I still love it.
I still love Trixie.
I still love Robert Pattinson.

Not so much.
Once you're past 21
they kinda lose their significance.
And once you're a Mom
Birthdays are all about your kids.
That's just the way it is.

I decided to just post some
of my favorite WALKING pics of Robert.
I have SO many to choose from
(Yes, you would be amazed)
so it wasn't easy to pick just a few
but since it is my birthday...
I thought this would be a fine way to celebrate.

Just being fucking amazing.
As always.

This one kinda started it all for me...
Still one of my all time faves.

Until this one showed up...

Strut. Sunglasses. Suit. Smile.

But then THIS one showed up...

(Although after a night of celebration, I'm well on my way)

And there are so many more...
So many.
I will just post some of my favorites...
and shut up.
And let you enjoy the majesty of 
Robert Pattinson

And what would my birthday be without 
including the adorable Tom Sturridge?

This one is probably my favorite of Tom and Rob.
So cute.
Just like them.

That's it for me.
I gotta do birthday stuff...

Thank you for all of the wonderful 
Birthday wishes.
It means more to me than I could possibly express...
and I'm pretty good at expressing myself.

So a couple of final birthday thoughts.
1. Robert. Walking.
NOBODY does it better.

2.  You all need to go see this...
Smitty is the sweetest.

Thank you again, Dear Smitty.
I <3 You.

3. A final serious thought...
I wish people would stop making this stuff
so damn personal.
Everyday something else is going on
that shocks and stuns me.
I've said it before and I will say it again
(and probably again and again)
I don't understand why people
feel the need to try and hurt people
and to take it real life.
I just don't fucking get it.
It's just Rob and Kristen.
It's not that serious.
At least it shouldn't be.

This post is brought to you by the letters *H* and *L*

H for 
All the Happy Birthday wishes.
Thank You.

L for Love
I love you.
You know I do.

I wish there was more love...
and less bullshit drama.
But I can only control my own actions.

Thanks again to everyone
who were so kind to send me birthday wishes.
Every one made me smile.
Thank You.

Bye for now

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