Friday, March 26, 2010

It's Not Robsten... It's Personal.

A lot of shit has been said.
And it has gotten very scary...
Very sad.

I just have a couple random thoughts.
Things that have popped into my head
Feelings about how hard it is...
to just love Robert Pattinson.
To adore Kristen Stewart.

*I put this beautiful picture of Robert here...
Because I want to try to remember why I write this blog*

1. There was a lot of hatred spewed yesterday.
Did I contribute?
I made my comments about the Hyenas
who circled and attacked someone when they were down.
It wasn't a question of guilt or innocence.
It was a full on attack.
Of someone they don't know.
Gleeful celebration at someone elses
personal dilemma.
The legal issues is for the law to decide.
The moral issue brings us back to 
when did this get PERSONAL?

2. Someone somewhere took a picture
of a group of women off someones PERSONAL acct.
They then proceeded to mock the women in the picture.
They scribbled on the picture.
Do you know these ladies?
Do you think they deserved this?
What made you think this was OK to do?
WHEN did this get personal?

3. I know I give my opinion.
I can be sarcastic.
I can be bitchy.
But never once have I called someone out
individually and blasted them.
Never once did I name a specific person
to laugh at and make fun of.
I might say "Nonsten"
But that is a whole array of people, isn't it?
And like I have said before...
I love some "Nonstens"
Disagreeing with "Nonstens" isn't personal.

4. My post yesterday received a lot of comments.
Some were well thought out...
Some were silly...
Some were funny...
Some were incredibly sad.
I don't police the comments.
I'm not responsible for what someone says 
in the comments.
Because someone comments on my blog...
Doesn't mean *I* agree with them.
In fact, sometimes I just shake my head
and sigh when I read what some people have to say.


5. I hate generalizations.
I try really hard not to do that.
When I comment on the "Nonsten" haters...
It doesn't encompass everyone who doesn't believe
in Robert and Kristen.
(Like I said, I love me some Nonstens)
It doesn't include everyone who posts at
It's that lunatic fringe...
that small percentage of haters...
who just seem to enjoy hating.
They hate Kristen.
They hate Delaney.
They hate everything that doesn't agree with them.
They make it personal.

6. Obviously the same goes with "Robstens"
I love a lot of people who love Rob/Kristen.
But there are some who are just fucking scary.
They attack. They accuse.
They have their lunatic fringe, too.

7. Some people from
posted some comments here.
They gave their side of the story.
They gave their civilized opinion.
It was all well and good.
I know from experience how some take 
it too far... make it personal.
This blog has come under attack...
and honestly, I'm OK with that.
They don't have to like it.
But some of them have attacked ME.
Making comments about my marriage...
how I'm a horrible mother to my boys...
Calling me all sorts of nasty names
and making it personal.
Not one of those people know me.
Know anything about me.
I don't give out a lot of details about myself
and I most definitely keep my personal life 
details to a minimum.
So they make shit up.
Based on hatred.
They make it personal.

*Can't fucking wait for this!*


I guess some people have just taken
this whole thing too far.
I don't want to talk about it anymore.
I don't want to be involved in the hate.
I don't hate.
I love.
I love Robert Pattinson.
I love Kristen Stewart.
I love Robert and Kristen together.
And that's who I want to write about.
I will continue to love and defend Kristen.
I will continue to love and defend Robert.
I will continue to give my opinion
on the controversy surrounding them.
But I won't attack.
I won't hate.
It won't get personal.

Bye for now.

*Psssst... when are we going to see
a picture of Kristen in London?*

*Pssst... How many times did I write
personal?? ;) *

*Pssst... 13 times. You know how it is
when you see a word too much...
and it kinda doesn't even look like a word anymore?*

*Pssst... I love you, Robert.
Just throwing that out there.*

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