Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sunday Soapbox

I guess Robert is in Budapest.
Looking wonderfully charming as always.
But wait...
Is he really there?
No! Yes!
Seriously, people were like
arguing over him being there.
Why do I ask?
Because petty arguments are what some
people live for.
Also read that TomStu is there with him.
But wait...
Is he really there?
No! Yes!
Why do people bicker about such
mundane bullshit?
Why do I ask?

I know why.
Because the Hyenas are afraid that Kristen is
going to show up.
They are already making excuses for her being there.
They are whining and yapping...
"Get a life!"
(isn't THAT ironic?)
And somehow...
If TomStu is there...
It makes her going there somehow less meaningful?
Something like that.
Because the
are close personal friends of TomStu
(We all know he has better sense than that)
And they KNOW that he doesn't like Kristen.
The way he looks at her?
(isn't THAT ironic?)

So brace yourselves, dear readers.
WHEN she shows up in Budapest...
Will start foaming at the mouth.
Attacking and tearing...
Because that is what they are good at.
Their food of choice is Kristen Stewart...
But they are scavengers
They will bite at anything that gets in their way.
And then they whimper about how misunderstood they are.
(isn't THAT ironic?)

I hope this happens soon in Hungary.
What a wonderfully romantic place
to spend your birthday with the one you love.
Gotta love it.

I look forward to the next few days...

Bye for now.

*Pssst... this post isn't about you.
Unless you think it is.
Shoe. Fits. Slide. It. On.*

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