Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Rob and Kristen. Clothes Hamper Wars...

The Eclipse poster was released yesterday.
It was cool... but predictable.
I loved that Bella was front and center...
This is her story after all!
Someone (forgive me for not knowing who)
put together this collage of pics from all three
of the movie posters...
And I found it interesting.
Robert hasn't changed that much...
He's still gorgeous as ever
although with every movie they get
closer and closer to my Edward ideal.
Taylor obviously has matured...
And let's face it, you can only get better
after wearing that horrific wig from Twilight!
And Kristen.
She looks so young and innocent in Twilight...
she becomes more beautiful
and more 'aware' of what her life has become
in subsequent pictures.
Love it.

Kristen out and about in LA/Beverly Hills?
Loving the smile on her face.

So supposedly she was looking at homes in Beverly Hills.
Supposedly for Robert?
But I'm still giggly from yesterday
and the Clothes Hamper Wars.
Yeah... something about a jacket?
Does it matter?
Well... to some people I guess it does.
Someone says 'look at the jacket... it's just like Robs!'
Then someone says 'NOOOO! It's not Robs. We can prove it!!'
Then someone says ' I love how Rob/Kristen share clothes'
Then someone says 'NOOOO! The jackets aren't the same, losers!'
Then someone says 'Blah blah same clothes blah blah'
Then someone says 'You study Rob/Kristens clothes, Losers! GET A LIFE!'
Then someone says 'Pot.Kettle.Black. Haters! GET A LIFE'
And back and forth.
Round and round it goes.
Where will it stop?
Nobody knows.

And if you aren't laughing at the Hamper Wars?
And getting all pissy over it?
I truly hope you will be OK...
Poor thing.

What else is there to say?
Kristen looking for a house for 'someone'
Kristen vacationing with 'someone' overseas?
Kristen and Robert sitting in a tree?

The more information that comes out...
The more vile and bitter the hatred.
Its interesting...
Yet so sad.

Kristen is STILL a lesbian
(I guess Oregano didn't mind for the years they were together)
Kristen is STILL desperate
(I guess wearing your guy's clothes means that? huh?)
Kristen is STILL out of work 
(I guess she doesn't deserve time off)
Kristen is STILL pathetically following Robert
around and hoping to convince him to be with her
(I guess Robert has no free will about who 
he hangs around with)
Kristen is STILL playing the PR game
(I guess Summit has complete control 
over what she and Rob do on their own time)

Round and round it goes.
Will it stop?
Hell no.

Bye for now.

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