Monday, March 7, 2011

Rob and Kristen- Side by Side

Oh my.
You would have thought the world was coming to an end.
God I'm sick of this shit.
I really am.

Some pap or something in Vancouver
came across Rob and Kristen out and about.
And when she was shut down by John with taking pics...
She manages to run in front of them and grabs some grainy video
with her camera.

And do you have ANY idea how much this shit
has been blown up and analyzed?
It's mind boggling.
So fucking what?
Rob and Kristen were out together.
I wish people would just leave them be
when they aren't working.

And this picture?
Yeah, it looks like Rob and Kristen.
And having bodyguard John there
running interference
is a good indicator.

But honestly?
I don't need to see this stuff.
No one does.
And now both sides of the fandom are losing
whats left of their minds
asking inane questions about
If that is really them...
Are you sure this isn't part of some conspiracy??
This HAS to be old... has to be!
and oh my sweet God...
Because THAT is what is so damn important.
Our very existence is riding on this!
Good Fucking Grief.

In the grand scheme of things...
this matters LITTLE.

Ahh... Chris Weitz got himself a Twitter.
And he's a talkative little bugger.
As in...
He actually takes the time to answer fan questions.
Kinda nice of him... yes?

I've seen some of the questions.
I shuddered at 95% of them.
He's a brave man to take on this fandom.
So very very brave.
I wonder when it happens that he will say...
Enough of this fuckery?
And the Twi-world will have shot itself in the foot once more.

CW is actually answering questions about Rob and Kristen.
Not as in 'are they together'
He did say he wouldn't talk about their personal lives.
Good for him.
But he has been extremely kind about Rob
and extraordinarily kind about Kristen.
So nice to see good things.
He's a great guy for taking this on...
I just hope the fandom doesn't embarrass itself.
Oh wait.

Good Luck, Chris Weitz!
You have incredible courage!

Thomas Sweet Thomas.

No, this picture isn't (too) recent...
But apparently he was out again with his pal, Sienna.
And apparently they kissed.
Or something like that.
Oh dear boy.
Sienna has said that she is SINGLE.
It seems to me that she is spending a lot of time
up close and personal
with Mr. Sturridge.
NOT that I blame her.

Tom gives good face.

Good Luck with all that, Mr. Sturridge!

*wink wink nudge nudge*

This post is brought to you by the letter *G*


All the fluttering and flailing over one video.

I'm not sure why it just makes me shrug...
Maybe because its nothing NEW.
Rob and Kristen are together.
We get it.

Enough already.
It's exhausting... isn't it?

Bye for now

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