Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Rob and Kristen- Always Together

Robert looking gloriously beautiful.

Another day and not much to say.
Rob and Kristen are staying 'undercover' in Vancouver.
Paps/Stalkers are on Twitter
actually whining about it.
Poor you.
How dare Rob and Kristen not want to show themselves!
Who do they think they are??
Don't they know who pays their salary??
All we want is a wave!
I don't care if they work LONG hours every day
and are exhausted and can't deal with the screaming masses
Who cares if it causes more trouble and could be
a security and safety issue??

As usual.
There are stupid fuckers out there
who feel they are ENTITLED to pieces of Rob and Kristen.
Who demand they perform for the camera.
Surely you realize by now...
That's Not Gonna Happen.
Haven't you been listening at all?

Hand on thigh. Check. Linked arms. Check. Big smiles. Double Check.

One of the few rumors out there the last few days
is that some people saw
Rob/Kristen and PapaStew running to an elevator...
or something.
So naturally... big to do about nothing.
Yeah, yeah... whatthefuckever.

I think its just a pattern.

Thanksgiving at the Stewarts.
Christmas at the Pattinsons
Mom and Dad Pattz come visit in Vancouver.
PappaStew comes to Vancouver.

Sounds exactly like what families do.
You know...
Visit each other.
Spend significant holidays
with significant people
in our lives.
Makes sense to me.
(Yes, add the wink here)

Shaggy and Scrappy Strolling and Smiling.

That's it.
Outside of the constant whining and screeching...
Not much going on.
Rob WILL be on Leno this Friday.
Now if only they would do his walk on stage in
S L O W  M O T I O N
wouldn't that be awesome?
Kinda like the NM parking lot strut...
The band could even play the same song.
I'd be OK with that.

And of course MTV's Josh Horowitz (sp?)
is doing his 30 minute interview Friday as well...
and oh my lawds
Some people are so worried as to what questions will be asked!
Because... Josh is a SHEEP doncha know!
Anyone who likes and/or admires Kristen
and is PRO Rob/Kristen
is woolly and follows a shepherd!
People aren't allowed to make up their own minds...
No Sir Ree Bob
They are either mindlessly following the herd
(Kinda like they follow the pack? Heh)
or being bullied and badgered to think that way!
(Or on Kristen's enormous payroll!)


I hope they mainly discuss WFE with Robert...
This is important for him... to him.
But don't get your panties all in a wad
if Josh happens to mention Kristen.
You know he will.
They always do.
So deal with it already.
She's not going anywhere.

This post is brought to you by the letters *T* and *E*

T for Tom Sturridge.
Just because

E for Exit Strategy.
How's that working for you?
The more you push it
The closer they seem to get.
Keep up the good work!

Bye for now

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