Monday, March 28, 2011

Rob and Kristen- You Can't Handle The Truth.

Yes. Yes. Yes. And Yes.

Random Thoughts.

1. I've been seeing a lot of commercials for 
WFE the last couple of days.
One word.
Good Grief.
I've said it before and I repeat myself
Robert has NEVER looked better than he does in this movie.
Stop it.
Don't even try.
This movie looks so gloriously beautiful...
I adore Reese Witherspoon...
Robert is prettier.

2. Latest Chatter?
You've heard it all before.
Does it bear repeating?
Not really.
Oh but TED has put forth some more bullshit.
Funny how people want to believe him when he
says what they want to hear.
Face it kiddies...
Ted wants the hits.
He doesn't give a shit about Rob or Kristen.
What will you do tomorrow when he
 says that Rob and Kristen are madly in love?
Because you know he will.
It's the game he plays.
It's just his speculation.
No matter what he says.

Think what you want... but this is STILL going on.

3. Robert.


Why is beat-up walking Rob so sexy?

4. Back to the 'exit strategy'.
This fascinates me.
Rob and Kristen PRETEND to go out on dates
to make people buy tickets to a movie
that is still being made.
And Rob and Kristen PRETEND to hang out together
at weddings, in their homes for the holidays, vacations...
In HOPES that someone will 'leak' pictures
(Kristen no doubt... its always Kristen)
so that they can promote a relationship that doesn't exist
for a movie that is still being made...
If they are constantly promoting themselves as together...
For the sake of Breaking Dawn...
WHY would there be an EXIT strategy for when filming is over?
How does that make sense?
Why would Rob distance himself from Kristen if its only for PR?
Part one isn't released for months...
Surely they must go on pretending at least until November?
And then the whole of 2012...
Until Part 2?
I mean...
Why bother pretending for all these years...
Just to quit when the last movie is finished?
Rob and Kristen are under contract to mislead us... right?
It's all one big conspiracy...
To promote a movie.
So why get so angry when they are seen together?
Why try to shoot down rumors and innuendo?
Isn't that part of the 'plan'?
Why try to dismiss and degrade the time Rob and Kristen do spend together?
It's all part of the game...
Yeah. Right.

It's just built in excuses.
Sure... as soon as filming BD is over...
Oh wait...
Except if they are seen together after...
Well... then its because of PR!
Because... the ONLY reason Rob and Kristen
hang out together is because they are have to!
Yeah. That's it.
Because we need SOMETHING to explain why they
are always turning up together.
Rob really has a secret blonde girlfriend!
It was in one of his super secret non denial denials messages
that only we can decipher!
Notice how Rob and Kristen are ALWAYS with a group of people
when they are out on a date?
Well.. except when they do turn up alone...
Oh I Know! That was DAMAGE CONTROL!
We have an answer for everything!
Everyone who sees Rob and Kristen together are LIARS!
But wait a minute... aren't they SUPPOSED to be showing up together?
Isn't that part of the illusion?
And so what if Rob took Kristen to a wedding...
He felt sorry for her! His hand on her face was pity!
And the Christmas pictures in Rob's parents house...
Those are OLD!!! And it wasn't even Christmas!
And look at Rob's parents...they obviously hate her!
And IOW2?
Well we ALL know that didn't happen.
Kristen paid off the entire town to talk about them being there
and staged fake pictures
and threw in some old ones from years ago!
And theres no way they kissed at midnight!
Rob's hair is all wrong and his mole on his neck
is a fraction of an inch off...
That works... right?
Aren't they supposed to be together to keep
up the showmance?
Why get all worked up over something you think is all for show anyway?
Why argue and 'debunk' sightings and pictures
if it's all part of the grand PRsten?
You must be SO confused.

 You do see how fucked up this is...
I hope.
Using PR to explain every sighting of Rob and Kristen...
And when that doesn't quite work...
Just say it never happened.

Thing is...
PR and Exit Strategy don't work well together.
You can't have both.
Exit Strategy says Rob is out after BD is done filming.
Done is done.
So... don't come crying back to PR!
When they start showing up together again.
Because they will.

Explain this one bitch.
You'd be smiling too if Rob was caressing your face...
Rob and Kristen hanging out, holding hands. Again.  
If she were any closer to Rob... she would be in his lap.
Rob and Tom... Walking. Die.

Final Thoughts.

1. Make up your mind.
PR or Exit Strategy.
Which is it?
Is Rob in it for the long haul
Is he out in a couple of weeks?
Can't have it both ways.
Hurry up now and decide!

2. I doubt Kristen would do the Red Carpet anyway...
But man oh man...
I hope she shows up at he WFE premiere.
Make all those nightmares come true.

3. Sorry for the bitchy post.
I'm just in that kinda mood today.
Shut up.
I'm not ALWAYS bitchy...
Maybe sometimes.
A little.
I'm a woman.
I'm allowed.
Shut up.

4. I adore Tom Sturridge.
Just because.

This post is brought to you by the letter *B*

B for

Just you fucking wait and see.

And for Brother!

Remember that one?
Someone needs to write all these lame excuses
and rationalizations down all in one place.
It's good shit.
Shit being the key word.

Bye for now

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