Saturday, March 19, 2011

Rob and Kristen and a Dog Named Bear

I know... I know...

Leno One

Leno Two

Leno THREE!!!!
What do I fucking say here?
Look at Robert...
All glidey and smooth
Strolling out on stage with Jay Leno.

Damn it to hell.
Leno One still wins.
Hands fucking Down.
I'm sure the wrinkled, unpolished Rob just appeals to me more...
And let's face it... the smirk on his face?
That is ALL kinds of sexy.

 Rob was all kinds of adorable on Leno...
Although he seemed a bit uncomfy with the suit.
And didn't the brown shirt look familiar?
I'm sure we've seen all of this before...
And I realized that makes me sounds all obsessive and stuff
But it's hard not to notice what Rob wears 
because he has a habit of wearing the same clothes
again and again.
And again.
And again.

"I knew I should have left when I was done..."

Rob did great.
He was funny and charming...
and the only time I think he was truly uncomfortable
was when that lady who keep yelling about VAMPIRES
came out and was screeching at him about being
sparkly and bullshit like that.
I was thinking
And you DO realize he's not REALLY Edward Cullen... Right?

This is more like it...
The MTV interview was wonderful.
I loved it.

Rob admitted that he was misquoted in the VF article.
Seems like that happens a lot in the print interviews
(Stay away from the print, Rob... Don't go into the print!)

Nothing too revealing of course.
He was giggly and adorkable and witty.
The Rob we have all come to love.
He was obviously much more comfortable in this setting
With Josh Horowitz
in his regular clothes...
No big shockers.
He did take a road trip from L.A. to New Orleans.
But well...
We already knew he did that... didn't we?
Oh and he did adopt a shelter puppy.
So sweet.
He calls it "Bear"
So I guess that was all true too.
"They" did adopt a puppy.
I'm not sure what the regulations are about transporting dogs
across the Canadian border...
But I'm guessing the dog is somewhere in L.A. right now
Maybe keeping a certain cat company...

Shabby Perfection.

 Kristen was only briefly mentioned in this interview
and only in the capacity that they 'act' together
That seems to be the safest way for Rob to discuss her...
But of course people are dissecting his facial expressions
and the fact he cracked his knuckles
(Something that Kristen is known to do as well)
as some sort of sigh that he hates Kristen.

I find all the over analyzing and dissection tedious.
Give it a rest already.

Rob was funny and cute and wonderful...
and he seems so proud of WFE
He looked incredible in the clip they showed
and LOVE LOVE LOVE the accent.
He did a phenomenal job with it.

I really don't like giving interviews...

So what do we take away from yesterday's overflowing Robness?

1. Rob is still funny and charming and witty
and gorgeous and wonderful and everything good.

2. Rob did get a shelter dog.
I guess the sightings in L.A. 
with him and Kristen at the vet...
and Nikki's oopsie about 'their' dog... can fill in the blanks.

3. Rob looks absolutely BRILLIANT
in WFE and he's so proud and happy 
and lights up when he talks about
Tai the elephant.

4. Rob/Tom/Sam did take a road trip to New Orleans.
Where Kristen just happened to be working...
And while they were in an Apt
I mean HOTEL room... that's right...
They acted like monkeys and ate orange (?) chicken wings.

5. Rob does so much better...
in live interviews.
I know his words will still be twisted
and there will be intense scrutiny of his every move...
But it was wonderful to see him talk and laugh
and just be Rob
(and lets not forget the walk...
NEVER forget the walk)

6. No declarations of love.
No non denial denials.
(that's a lot of no's)
Just Rob talking about stuff.
Being all cute and adorable while doing it.

7. I love Robert Pattinson.

Just because.
8. Did you hear someone yell out "TOM STURRIDGE"
during the Leno interview when Rob was talking about the 
road trip and said something about one of his 'friends'
being recognized as in 
"Hey aren't you friends with Robert Pattinson?"

I mean it's cute and all that...
But Tom should be recognized for more than being
Robert's best friend.
Not that its a bad thing to be...
Oh no.
I would LOVE to have that role...
But Tom is probably way better at it than I would be...
Cuz I would be all starry-eyed and shit...
and Rob would be like...
"Rose! Why do you keep asking me to walk across the room??"
Tom is a good choice.

He really is.

This post is brought to you by the letter *R*

R for

The INTOXICATION level is still

Bye for now

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