The whole running aimlessly in circles has got to be tiring.
But yet they continue... on and on.
This weekend was amusingly tedious.
Not sure if that makes sense or not...
but that best describes the bullshit.
"Rob is in LA... Kristen is NOT with him"
(this one is particularly amusing)
"Rob is at the WFE screening without Kristen
I know this for a FACT."
"Oh shit, Kristen is seen at LAX"
"Damn. Kristen IS in LA"
"Rob and Kristen were seen at a Vet's office"
"Rob and Kristen were dancing and kissing at a party"
"Rob doesn't dance"
"Pics or it didn't happen."
"Rob will show up at the Oscars with his parents!"
"Rob took his parents to the WFE screening!"
"I have friends in the industry!"
"Kristen is back at LAX"
"Kristen is back in Vancouver because
she wasn't invited to the Oscars!"
"OK. Kristen obviously was in LA...
That's the ticket!
Pics or it didn't happen!!"
So... yeah.
People were adamant that Rob was in L.A.
WITHOUT Kristen...
So when she shows up in L.A.?
Of course Rob was never there.
I'm guessing that the sightings at the party were true...
(It's just my hypothetical opinion after all)
They got to hang out at a place where they wouldn't stand out
(well, they always stand out, but less so with other celebs)
They got to enjoy themselves...
And just be Rob and Kristen.
Did Rob get out of LA before Kristen... or after?
Look how much easier it is for them to travel
when one is without the other.
This time it was Kristen walking thru the airport.
She almost makes it look leisurely...
Makes sense to me.
Had to throw a pic of Tom in... of course.
Although I am starting to seriously wonder how old that hat is.
Because he's been wearing it pretty steadily for quite some time.
He does occasionally put on the beanie
(which I think he looks adorable wearing)
But this hat...
I'm starting to worry.
And what's with that black cord thing...
stretched across the front?
The hat NEVER looks any different.
It's like the hat of Dorian Gray.
Tom has been wearing this for years
and it doesn't age.
There's a picture of it somewhere in his flat...
It's like all falling apart and torn
the black cord dangling sadly
The word "NIKE" is no longer legible
It's all dirty and crumpled.
Oh yes.
I LOVE that hat.
Just a picture of Rob and Kristen dancing.
Fast forward a few years...
Change the music.
Change the clothes.
Change the location.
But the look in their eyes
That remains the same.
This post is brought to you by the letter *T*
T for True
Sometimes things that are Good...
Really are true.
Bye for now