Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Robert and Kristen- Imagine That

Robert Fucking Pattinson.
The girl who took this picture
(with her cell phone, no less)
really captured a piece of Robert.
Of course...
Now it is one of the most overused and abused pictures ever...
Everyone is using it as an avi/icon now
(Wonder how the girl feels about that? Flattered? Annoyed?)
Even my grandma Rose put the pic in the locket around her neck...
OK. That's not true.
Grandma Rose doesn't wear a locket.

Not a lot to talk about lately, is there?
Robert/Thomas/Samuel haven't been seen in days...
and like I stated before...
No pics no proof of existence!!
They have vanished off the face of the planet!

Good for them.

OK... so there have been the random 'tweet'
chirping about Rob being here... or there.
And I'm thinking even if he was hanging out in NOLA
for the past 4/5 days...
Who knows where he is now?
Is it possible for Robert and Kristen to be together 
in New Orleans and no pics?
Of course it is.
There aren't pictures documenting every moment of their life.
And yet...
They still are living it.

Imagine that.

Maybe the next picture we will see will be
something like this one...
You know...
Robert and Kristen (and Tom?) in an airport...

Who knows.
They could still be in NOLA
They could have left a couple of days ago
and no one is the wiser.
"If Rob and Kristen are in NOLA there will be pictures taken!"

Rob has been SOMEWHERE this whole time
and alas... no pictures have been taken.

Imagine that.
I kinda like this picture.
In this moment in time...
Robert kinda looks like he is dancing...
You know...
kinda like...
And let me just say...
I find it fascinating that a simple word like
makes some people foam at the mouth.
And I fucking love it.

I will TWIRL if I want to.
And why is it so bad to wanna dance if you are happy?
Why is happy such a bad thing??
Believe you me...
There will be PLENTY to TWIRL about soon enough!
So get your dancing shoes on...
You will need them!

Imagine that.

Last but not least...
I wanted to share an email I received the other day.
It's lovely.
(The following email is real, the names and spelling have
been changed to protect the stupid)

 I just want to tell you how much I hate you, you fucking bitch. Who do you think you are? Just because you want Rob to be in NOLA doesn't mean he is there, stupid sheep!
You make me sick with your twirling and acting like you know what is going on with Rob and Stewl. Why don't you just admit that bitchface is a lesbian? Everyone knows she is. Rob is just putting up with her and the only reason he is with her is because Summit orders him to be. How can you not see that it is all PR? Oh right, because you are a stupid sheep and only see what you want to see.  You and your blog suck, so just shut the fuck up stupid bitch.
No love

Dear Scary Person,
The very fact that you hate me because I think Rob and Kristen are together is frightening. Seriously. Don't you think such bitter venom directed at a stranger just because I write stuff you don't like is excessive? Well, obviously you don't. 
Do I want Rob to be in NOLA? Sure I do...
Do I think Rob is in NOLA? Well, if he isn't now... he was. (and Ms. Scary... that is just my own adorably cute opinion) This blog is all about *MY* opinion. Why do people insist on making it personal?
And unlike yourself, I actually believe you are allowed to disagree with me without sending you harassing and insulting emails!
So Ms. Scary...
You continue to see things your way...
I will continue to see the truth.

*Twirl Twirl*

- Remember Roses Have Thorns

Yeah... I know... kinda lame...
But good fucking grief.

Back the fuck off Kristen already.
She really isn't the cause of all that is wrong in your life
even if you wish it to be true.

Robert and Kristen are probably together right now.
They always show up together sooner or later
And don't you find being wrong all the time...
Guess not.

OK then.
To each their own.
But as always...
We shall see.

Imagine that.

This post was brought to you by the letters *T* and *A*

T for TWIRL!
Yes... it's fun to TWIRL
and that it bugs some people makes it even more fun!

A for Acceptance.

With Acceptance Comes Peace.

Try it.

Bye for now.

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