Rob's face says it all.
Sometimes you just get sick and tired
of all the lameass bullshit.
A friend said to me on Twitter...
' Rose, don't you usually like to stir the shit pot?'
And she was right.
I do like to stick my big ol' paddle in
and give it a nice stir.
But even though I like to mix the pot...
and do a bit of pushing...
I don't hate.
I still can't get used to all the hate.
Because it's not natural.
It's not normal.
It's not right.
Kristen is simply stunning.
(and that necklace is always there, isn't it?)
But look at her young, beautiful face.
Do you really see someone to hate?
Do you really see someone that deserves
all the nasty names and horrific insults that are thrown at her?
The Fandom was up in arms yesterday over Emma Roberts.
And yes...
Some people were out of control and said rude
and horrible things to that young girl.
(That's what haters do...)
People were defending her left and right...
And while I don't agree with what was said about Miss Roberts...
I have to wonder why people don't get so
inflamed and pissed off at what is said about Kristen...
Some of the people who were proudly shouting from
their soapboxes about how horrible Twi-Fans are...
Are in fact the same people
who continuously insult and hate on Kristen.
How is that overlooked?
How is that acceptable?
Kristen is just a girl.
Who fell in love with a boy.
And the boy fell in love with her.
That should make you smile...
Robert looks so happy.
Kristen looks so happy.
You should be happy FOR them.
It shouldn't make you mad.
Why does it upset you so much?
Even if you don't believe Rob and Kristen
are together...
There is no need for the hate.
I like this picture.
They both look great.
Yeah, I know a lot of people don't like Taylor...
But I don't have a problem with him.
And Kristen seems to really be comfortable with him.
I'm glad she has him with her...
It makes everything easier for her.
And I'm all for that.
Oh and I love her dress.
She does seem to favor black...
and it looks great on her.
Of course.
And dear Robert.
He won't be doing much promotion for Eclipse.
Kinda bums me out.
There is nothing better than watching him
sit down and give thoughtful answers in interviews.
Nothing better than seeing him smile.
A lot of bullshit has been said about stuff he has said lately.
That's always going to be the case.
Like I said...
Even if Robert and Kristen had a press conference
stating loudly and clearly that they were 'in love'
There would still be skeptics.
(Although I would think the whole PR bullshit has
been burned to the ground now)
So you see things your way...
I see the truth.
Bye for now.
P.S. I have to give a 'shout out' to @kstewartnews
(I hope they don't mind)
But they are the ones that I get most of my
Kristen news and pictures from.
I don't usually remember who to credit when
I post pictures...
But I do remember them.
They are awesome.
All of them.
Thank you.
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