Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Kristen is the Magnet, Rob is the Steel

First things first.

Robert looks amazing.
The haircut.
I absolutely LOVE it!
He looks adorable.
Strange how something like how hair
is cut and styled can make such a difference.

Kristen in Australia.
Yeah, a lot of bullshit drama went down.
She flipped off the paps (big fucking deal)
The usual whimpering about how she is ungrateful
Yada Yada Yada
Kristen could stand still and not make a sound...
and the fucking haters would find some fault.
They hate her for EXISTING.
It's the way it goes.
Haters gotta hate.

A close up of her unique necklace...
Looks like it was made JUST for her.
What does it look like to you?
Some people think it looks like the
symbol of infinite love.
She must really REALLY love this necklace.
She's been wearing it since her birthday in Budapest.

Cute picture.
I can't wait to see what she wears during all this
Eclipse promo.
I've never been a huge fashion diva or anything...
But I love seeing what Kristen will come up with.
I love her sense of style.

The Hyena button.
It's SO EASY to PUSH!!
And ever so much fun!

Watch and see.
They can't stay away from this blog.
Why do they care what I have to say?
Too damn easy.

They can't get enough of me...
I'm expecting my very own thread soon!
They are completely ROSEssed!

Haters need to make up their minds...
They always complain how I never defend Robert...
How I should change the name of my blog to Robsten Intoxication
I'm all about Kristen.
But then...
I'm SO obsessed with Robert!
I want to MARRY Rob!
See, that would make sense if
I was the one who had the problem with
Robert and Kristen being together.
But it's not me... its YOU.
If I was SO obsessed with Robert
I wouldn't be happy he's with Kristen.
But then again...
I'm talking logic and reasoning.
Hyenas don't have those qualities.
All they know how to do is 
rip and shred at people they don't know.
Filthy Scavengers.


Some people were saying that the whole
airport frenzy was staged.
Of course.
That explains EVERYTHING!
When all else fails...
Desperate times for desperate Hyenas.


Too fucking easy.
Bye for now

Now I told you so you ought to know
Ooh it takes some time for a feelin' to grow
Ooh you're so close now I can't let you go
Ooh and I can't let go
For you are a magnet and I am steel
I can't hope that I'll hold you for long
Ooh you're a woman who's lost to your song
Ooh but the love that I feel is so strong
Ooh and it can't be wrong
With you I'm not shy to show the way I feel
With you I might try my secrets to reveal
For you are a magnet and I am steel
For you are a magnet and I am steel

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