Saturday, June 5, 2010

Rob and Kristen- Don't Hate The Players, Hate The Game.

 Robert. Walking.
I don't really have much to say today...
(Which means I will ramble aimlessly)
Let's see...

Kristen walking!
She looks pretty damn good doing it, too...
Ah Kristen.
People will find any excuse to attack you.
People will pretend to 'try' and like you.
But we all  know that's total bullshit.
They never liked you.
To be honest
You were never on their radar before.
Even when the Twilight movies were cast...
When you were still dating Oregano...
People didn't seem to have a problem with your behavior.
They really didn't notice much.

Until it was becoming abundantly clear
that there was something going on
between you and Robert.
THEN the backlash started.
Before you were the actress who was in "Panic Room"
and was cast as Bella.
You are the epitome of Evil.
Your every move...
Your every word
Is analyzed and deciphered.

Some people just look for any excuse
to lash out and attack you.
You're breathing?
You bitch!
You get my point.

The closer you get to Robert...
The more bitter foam is directed at you.
The more obvious it becomes
That you and Rob are indeed a couple...
The more ways they find to bring you down.
Every picture of you and Rob spending time together.
Every smile...
Every glance...
Every touch...
Just makes them more angry.
More desperate.

Nothing you do will stop the hate.
That's not quite true
There is SOMETHING you can do.
*Why is it kinda cute when Rob does it?*

You can stay away from Robert.
Then the hate and anger would get directed
at whoever else Rob chooses to be with.
You know it's true.
*I think it's kinda cute when she does it, too...*

But of course...
It would be silly to let some venomous lunatics
dictate who you should love.
It would be silly to let anyone or anything
tell you what to do when it comes 
to matters of the heart.
The heart knows what it wants.
You've made it pretty clear who that is.

Robert has made it pretty clear
what his heart wants as well.
People always talk about how open 
and honest Robert is...
That he shows his feelings right there on his face.
That beautiful face.
When he looks at you, Kristen...
There is no doubt what he is feeling.
That brings me to my favorite walking picture...
I never get tired of this picture.
Everything is right there.

To the haters...
You can pick apart every molecule
on Kristen's body...
And it will not change the way 
Robert looks at her.
Or change the fact that he wants
to be with her.
You think you know her?
You think you know him?
We don't know anything.
Kristen knows Robert.
Robert knows Kristen.
They've been together for well over a year...
Friends for even longer.
He knows what she's like.
He knows who she really is
And guess what?
He chooses to be with her.

I often wonder what Rob would think of all
the hatred directed at someone he obviously
cares very deeply for...
Robert is very loyal to those he loves.
Do you think it would make him happy?
Do you think he would thank you for supposedly
showing him what Kristen is 'really' like?
Or do you think he would be disgusted
with all the vile, bitter hatred?
We are only spectators in this game.
We have no say in how the game is played.
We watch.
We speculate.
You can shout all you want from the sidelines...
But no one is listening.
We have no impact on what they do...
or who they do it with.
Rob and Kristen are the players...
We can only watch.

Bye for now.

*MTV Movie Awards are almost here!!*


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