Friday, September 3, 2010

Whatever NOLA Wants... NOLA Gets.

*Danger Danger*
I am going to get on my very high soapbox today.
You have been warned.

I was just about to type "I don't have a lot to say today"
That NEVER works, does it?

Well... I don't.

Again... there is always drama to talk about.
Endless bullshit drama.

I'm not sure I even want to address it.
Should I?
Does it matter?
Should it?

The one thing about this 'fandom' that always surprised me
was how fucking serious some people take it.
You know...
This is about Robert Pattinson.
Kristen Stewart...
Whatever you want to like.
(Or don't like... but then why are you here? )

Why in the fucking sam hell
Do people make this shit PERSONAL?
I don't fucking get it.
And I just feel like typing fucking in every sentence.
So I fucking will.

I wasn't really online much yesterday...
You may have noticed (probably not)
But I didn't even get a chance to post.
And I almost ALWAYS post.
So you know that I was busy...

But I signed on this morning... and POW.
My inbox was all about the drama.
And while some of you may think I court drama
(Oh drama... how do I love thee)
I don't.
I'm in a perfectly fine platonic relationship with the beast...
I look at the beast...
I even poke at the beast (with a 10 foot pole, mind you)
But I don't get up close and PERSONAL with the monster.
Get it?
I'm not fucking nuts.

So imagine my surprise that some lunatic(s)
posted someones personal info on some lame board.
I'm NOT surprised. At all.
Because that's what fucking lunatics DO.
It's disgusting.
It's pathetic.

There are a handful of fucking psychos in this fandom.
I don't believe it's more than that.
But these fuckers are loud.
And they are scary.
I mean... seriously fucking frightening.
And they make ALL OF US look bad.

It wasn't right to post someone's personal info.
Everyone KNOWS that.
Some people just don't give a shit.
But that goes beyond just someones address...
That applies to everyone's personal information.
And you can say 'Oh it's all public anyway'
But there is something so cringe worthy 
about posting someone's court documents on your twitter...
or your public forum...
Something so innately WRONG about posting ANYTHING
Something you have no business knowing.
And why the fuck DO you know it?
And why the fuck do you CARE?
It has absolutely NOTHING to do with
Robert and Kristen.
has anything to do with them.

So I end this little rant with something my grandfather always
used to tell me...

"Rosie... Don't Spit Into The Wind."

I love you, Grandpa.
So back to Robert and Kristen.
Because that's what this should be about.

We have seen pictures of Kristen in NOLA.
And can I be perfectly honest when I say
that I'm getting kinda tired of typing NOLA.
It's like one of those words when you look at it enough...
It doesn't look like a word anymore.
Whatever NOLA wants...
NOLA gets...
See where my mind goes?

There is chatter that Kristen is doing 'intimate' scenes right now...
You know...
The ones that are probably kinda hard to do 
especially when there are a bunch of people standing around
I've taken to carrying around my salt shaker
ALL the damn time lately.
You never know when you will need that grain of salt.

Robert, Robert, Robert.
I like to call him Robert.
Not sure why.
He probably hates being called Robert.
And Spunk.
And Edward.
And Mr. Stewart.

Not sure where our guy is right now.
Is he in the infamous...
dare I type it...

Where else is he going to go?

Man, I loved that line in Twilight...
and it was Robert's line.
He added it.
And it's perfect.
Just like him.
OK... OK.
Is our boy eating jambalaya as we speak?

I guess only time will tell.

I say this a lot.
But this is my blog and I can.

Wherever Robert or Kristen are...
They will end up

It's a force of nature.
It's fate.
It's kismet.


This post is brought to you by the letter *K*

You can't hide from that bitch.


K for Kismet.

I kinda like that word today.
Robert and Kristen are all about kismet.


Bye for now

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