Sunday, September 19, 2010

Rob and Kristen- I Only Have Eyes For You

Oh My!
What a shocker!
Robert ended up in London!
Excuse me for bringing up Grandma Rose again...
But she said to me the other day...
"Rosie... when is that boy going to go home?"
Robert going back to London isn't any great surprise.
It was inevitable, wasn't it?
Still not sure how Rob going to London
somehow equates to him not wanting to be with Kristen.

Oh right.
Robert never went to see Kristen in NOLA
Because there wasn't a clear picture...
Rob didn't magically appear in London, either.
He managed to get from New Orleans to London
without a picture being taken, too...
and lo and behold...
There he be.
Sometimes it works out that way.
Sometimes Robert manages not to get his picture taken.
And he still exists...

And hey...
If you want to believe that Robert didn't get to NOLA
Go for it.
But what happens if(when) Kristen turns up in London?
Then what?
Will you pull out the same tired excuses?
Don't answer that.
I already know you will.

I adore Kristen Stewart.
I do.
I make no excuses.
"Speak" was on TV last night.
I watched it.
Kristen is so young in that movie...
but she was awesome.
I love it.
I even loved that Michael Oregano was in it.
Because I know I kinda poke fun at him...
but he was kinda cute in the movie.
I love watching Kristen outside of Twilight.
I love Bella...
But I love seeing her in other roles.

And one more thing...
There was a lot of twitter drama about Kristen...
Someone was making fun of her...
People were defending her...
As usual with online drama
it was blown out of proportion.
You don't have to like Kristen Stewart.
I don't give a shit one way or another if you do or not.
But the things that were said about her...
The names she was called...
just because she wore the Beastie Boys t-shirt?
No one deserves that.
You don't like her? Ignore her.
It has to be easier than the constant snarling and snapping at her
that you do day in and day out...
And for God's sake...
Stop pretending to be her fan
pretending to like her...
and then turn around and call her horrific names.
It's SO transparent. Really.
Good Fucking Grief.
Get over it.

I leave with one of my favorite pictures from Montreal.
The intimate proximity.
The smile on his face.
No one is faking that.
No one is being forced to react that way.
No one isn't doing exactly what they want to do...
with who they want to do it with.

Will Kristen turn up in London?
Of course I hope she does...
Kristen can relax there...
She can breathe there.
And she can be with Robert.
Because no matter what you say...
Robert and Kristen are always better
when they are together.

We shall see.

This post is brought to you by the letter *E*

E for "I only have EYES for You"
The song that comes to mind whenever
I see that picture from Montreal...

Are the stars out tonight?
I don't know if it's cloudy or bright
'Cause I only have eyes for you, dear
The moon may be high
But I can't see a thing in the sky
'Cause I only have eyes for you.

I don't know if we're in a garden
Or on a crowded avenue
You are here, so am I
Maybe millions of people go by
But they all disappear from view
And I only have eyes for you
I don't know if we're in a garden
Or on a crowded avenue
You are here, so am I
Maybe millions of people go by
But they all disappear from view
And I only have eyes for you. 

Bye for now

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