Thursday, July 29, 2010

Dear Rose and Robsten.

This is a post dedicated to all the wonderful email/comments that I receive on a
daily basis. Some of them are just too good NOT to share. You know what I mean?
So here's hoping you find these as entertaining as I did :)
Oh and I corrected all spelling errors.. Believe me, there were a lot of them ;)

Dear Rose,
 Why do you continue to use paparazzi pictures in your posts? Don't you realize that 
you are contributing to what they do? It is because of people like YOU that Rob is treated like that on a daily basis. What do you think Rob would think of you if he read your blog?
-High Horse

Dear Horse,
I continue to use pap pics in my posts... because I want to. At least I don't claim to be "Paparazzi Free" and then proceed to post the Paparazzi pictures. It's not fans like me that are responsible for the way Robert and other celebrities are treated by the Paps. If you want to get angry with someone, how about starting with the gossip sites that send out photographers to harass and stalk Rob? Or the other gossip sites that pay money for them? Unfortunately, as long as Robert is so famous, there will always be people willing to stalk for money. I love and adore Robert. I wish I could shield him... but I can't.
-Protective Rose

What do you think of the attached picture (the one above)? Rob looks like he knows this beautiful blonde lady. Rob looks like he is really attracted to her! So much for ugly bitchface! GO ROB!
- Satisfied

Dear Satisfied (with delusions),
What do I think of the picture? It looks like a lucky fan got to meet Robert! Attractive? Well, that's hard to see from this angle, but Rob is smiling, so I'm sure she was being very nice to him. Keep up the good detective work!
- Wishes That Blonde Was Rose

Ridiculous Rose,
You really think your shit doesn't stink, don't you? I'm here to tell you it DOES! You are so pathetic with your attempts to prove that PRsten exists! The tarmac picture is NOT them holding hands! Give it up, already! At best she is holding his wrist! Besides, it was all for PR! They knew someone was going to be there to take pictures! You are such a loser. 
I wish you would just shut the fuck up already!

Dear FU,
I love this picture for so many reasons. Let me show the ways...
1. It's not just the handholding that is so intimate here... it's their body language... the smiles on their faces (in Rob's case a HUGE smile) that make this picture so incredible.
2. Haters HATE this picture! And that makes it all the more entertaining! I love to post this picture every few days... just to get this kind of reaction!
3. Let me get this straight, they AREN'T holding hands... yet it's for PR? *cuckoo cuckoo*
4. Am I a pathetic loser? I don't think I am... and one thing is certain... My shit doesn't stink... it smells like ROSES! DUH!
-Everything's coming up Rose(s)

Dear Rose,
I love love love your blog! It's like a little island of sanity in this crazy fandom! I don't know how you do it, but you always manage to say what is in my head. Can you read minds? lol.
I don't understand how the hyenas can't manage to see how in love Rob and Kristen are with each other, but it's their loss! Thanks for all you do.
- A grateful fan

Dear Grateful,
Thank you! It's always nice to hear such kind words about my blog. I come here everyday and just try to get my thoughts down... and it's always wonderful that so many people agree with what I have to say! So Thank You!
-Grateful Rose

I don't get how you can possibly believe Rob and Stewpid are together. He looks like he can't wait to get away from her, and she looks miserable every time they are next to each other. Why are there never any pictures of them together if this is the most epic romance in the history of the earth? Don't try to pass off the PR pictures as proof, either. Are you telling me there is NEVER a camera around to record their epic love? Right. You are a complete idiot and when PRsten comes crashing down, I hope it lands on your head.
-No Pics, No Proof

Dear Chicken Little,
Wow. So... let me get this straight... you want me to 'prove' that Rob and Kristen are in a relationship, but I can't use the pictures that are out there... because its only PR?
Did the insane asylum have a massive escape today? There are plenty of pictures of Rob and Kristen together, on their own time. I can't help that you refuse to see them for what they are... and have to scream PR every time another picture of them hanging out shows up. You see things your way... I see the truth.
- Wearing a helmet Rose

Kristen is NOT Bella. She is an ignorant, self-centered bitch who only hangs around Rob for publicity. She hates that Rob gets more attention than she does, so she attaches herself to him any way that she can. She barely has a career outside of Twilight, so she acts like a pathetic puppy and follows Rob around hoping that people notice her, too. I don't know why Rob puts up with her other than he probably just feels sorry that she doesn't have any friends. Even TomStu hates her guts. I hate her and I hope she disappears back under the rock she came from after the Twilight movie are over. You suck.
-Kristen is a bitch

Dear Bitch,
So much anger. So much venom. So much foam. So many loonies.
I'm pretty sure you aren't talking about Kristen Stewart. No way. Not the Kristen that goes out of her way NOT to be in the public eye. The Kristen who goes out of her way not to discuss a relationship that would garner her endless publicity if she so desired it.
Not the Kristen who goes where Rob goes... because that's where she wants to be (and that's what people in relationships do... BE TOGETHER). Kristen doesn't need ANYone to get noticed... she's beautiful, talented and stands out from a crowd of common drones who all look and behave the same way. And get over the TomStu bullshit. It's pretty obvious he enjoys Kristen's company, no matter how much that eats you up inside (I bet you taste... bitter)
-Sucks To Be You And Not Rose

That's enough for now (more than enough, I suppose). I'm sorry that I shared more Foam filled emails than the nice ones... because I do receive way more nice ones. But I just like to put out there what some people really believe. It's fascinating to me.
Oh and another thing that bugs the haters?

* I wonder who he is talking to?*

I don't wonder at all.
This post is brought to you by the letters *P*
For *PUSH*
And the letter *T* for the TCA's...
I hope Kristen shows up so we 
can get more of this...

And this...

Life is good.

Bye for now

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