Sunday, July 4, 2010

Robsten Logic

Happy 4th of July!
*waves flag*

It's hot as hell outside right now...
and I'm mentally preparing myself for the heat
that I will have to endure in a few hours.
So what better way to cool off?
Looking at Robert Pattinson?
That's not working.

So let's talk about Robert.
And Kristen.

There is always so much chatter about the legitimacy
of Robert and Kristen being together.
I get that some people don't believe.
You don't have to believe...
You have every right to your opinion.
So why not just leave it at that?
Why must some people go on foaming tirades
of bitter anger and hatred?
I'm not even going to get into the nasty insults
that are hurled daily at both Robert and Kristen.
Just because people BELIEVE they are together.

Since this is my blog...
I will give you my opinion.
You don't have to agree with me.
I'm totally cool with that.
But here goes anyway...

1. I make up my own mind.
I take interviews, comments and things
into consideration...
But the reasons I believe Rob and Kris are together
have nothing to do with what anyone has TOLD me.
It's what I have logically deduced from what I have seen
with my own eyes.
Yes. I said logic.
I've believed that there was something going on
between them since before Twilight came out
(Go back and read my earliest blog entries)
I saw how they interacted together...
I saw how they looked at each other...

2. Logic.
The interaction between Rob and Kristen
never let up...
It became more intimate... more intense.
And once Oregano was relegated back to the spice rack...
It was even more obvious than ever.

3. Logic.
Let's look at this logically.
Take Kristen out of Rob's picture.
(Hard to imagine... isn't it?)
But let's say...
It was someone else entirely who kept showing up
with Robert all over the world.
Rob being photographed in countless airports with the same girl.
Rob and this girl who turned up in IOW...
NYC... Budapest...
London... again and again.
Rob and this girl snuggling at concerts...
Holding hands at a Paris airport tarmac...
Being captured on hotel balconies...
This girl showing up at the Remember Me premiere...

What would you think?
You would think...
WOW... Robert is dating this girl!
Look how they always end up in the same place.
Look at how he looks at her!
Look at how much time they spend together!
That is what you would think if it was 
ANY OTHER GIRL in Kristen's place.
Because that's what makes sense.

But some people refuse to accept what is 
right in front of them.
Because it's Kristen.
They don't want Robert WITH Kristen.
They will accept any other reason
as to why Rob is always with Kristen.


4. There haven't been any real pictures of
Robert or Kristen outside of work related event's lately.
Does that mean they aren't together?
Does that mean if you don't see them ...
They don't exist?
Where does Robert go at night to sleep?
Do you see him?
Does anyone know?
Rob and Kristen have become very good at getting around
without being seen.
They talked about it in interviews...
Sometimes they even get in and out of airports
without being spotted.
Is it so hard to believe that they can be together
without us seeing what they are doing?
Do we have to see their every move?
Do we need to see it?
Logic tells us that Rob and Kristen continue to exist...
Even if there isn't a picture proving it to us every minute.

5. And lastly...
If there comes a day...
when it does become someone else with Robert
in the airports...
snuggling in concerts...
If I see Robert looking completely smitten
and infatuated with someone else?
Then I will believe that, too...
And I will still love Robert.
And I will still adore Kristen.

But right now.
It's Robert and Kristen

Bye for now

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