Monday, November 16, 2009

Day 47- New Moon Week Begins!

Loving Kristen Stewart.
(no kidding??)
Her sense of style.
And the hair???
I mean... the grown out Joan Jett...
is totally working for her.
I think I might actually like it better
Than the long Bella hair.
Let's just say she looks great
no matter how she wears her hair.
How can she lose?
That beautiful face remains the same.
Kristen is on the Tonight Show w/ Conan
Don't fucking miss it.

OK. Some more random thoughts

1. New Moon Week.
I can't believe it's here.
There are TV appearances galore!
It's almost more than I can stand.
(and I can stands a lot)
One of my fave interviews ever
was Rob on Leno last year...
I'm so excited to be able to add to that...
Sorry... that doesn't come close
to describing how I really feel...
But it will do for now.
I've cleansed the DVR...
it's almost empty...
waiting to be filled.

2. Is it wrong that I want to go to
Burger King and order their NEW MOON meal?
I want the Edward water bottle.
Big time.
Yeah, OK...
and maybe I like those little hamburger thingys?
Well, I've never had them...
but I might.
They come with some Edward.
Everything is better with Edward.

3. I keep getting blindsided on Twitter.
I respond to someones Tweet...
and then all of a sudden...
my Tweets are personal attacks.
Um... no.
I don't do twitter to attack people.
In fact...
I'm pretty sure I wasn't even aware
that you were there...
I don't scope out the Twitterverse...
I don't keep track of where the 140+ people
I follow are at any given time.
I twitter tweetly about Rob and Kristen.
No fucking surprise.
What you see is what you get.

4. It's probably better if there isn't
a number 4, today.
I might say something...
and not regret it later.

5. Bye for now.

*Watch Kristen on Conan.
That is all.*

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