Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Day 35- Kristen, Robert and Me

I'm really not sure where to start.
I guess the beginning is a good place... yes?
Yesterday was a HUGE day in the Twilight Bubble.
A real Doozie. A SupercalifragilisticexpialiDOOZIE
Am I getting across how fucking BIG it all was??

All of these beautiful, gorgeous pictures
of Rob and Kristen were leaked.

Harpers Bazaar's pictures. And they were stunning.
The sad part of it all...
was I couldn't really just sit back and enjoy them.

I had to deal with drama.
I had to deal with the constant buzz of Rob/Kristen hate.
I had to deal with misunderstandings.
Kinda took the fun out of it, ya know?

When I look at the HB pics...
I feel like I am intruding on
something intensely personal.
So many of the pictures are like those taken
in a silly photobooth...
Where two people are crammed close together...
Giggling and smiling and making faces at the camera.
Close together.
There aren't very many pictures where Robert and Kristen
aren't touching in some way.

Beautiful, delicious pictures.

The VF and HB articles?

I've read them both.
I'm not in the mood to nitpick the details...

At this point I feel its been picked to fucking death...
But I will say this...
I don't understand why anyone would cling to the VF
like it was some sort of beacon of hope for Nonsten.

I just didn't see any denial...
I just saw where Rob said him and Kristen were "good friends".
Cool. We already knew that.

Did ANYone really think Rob and/or Kristen
were going
to actually come out in a
magazine and declare their love?

The HB article said they were 'very close.'

Um... yeah... already knew that, too.

Constantly being in each others company.

Snuggling at concerts.
Hanging out in hotels.

Yeah... I guess that makes them pretty 'close'

To top off what an incredible shitty day yesterday...

I also got some really nice
(if nice is being stabbed repeatedly with an ice pick)
So so sweet. Lovely people.

Here's just some of the love:

Rose, why are you such a stupid bitch? What kind of lies are you going to say about the Vanity Fair interview? Rob denied being in a relationship with Kristen! Choke on it, bitch! Rob is just FRIENDS with the mullet. I hope now you can shut up about your delusional dreams about Robsten. It never happened and it never will.

Dear friend. How nice of you to write to me.
The only person who seems to be choking...
is you...
On your bitter vile.
I'm sorry if I didn't see Rob deny anything.

I don't recall reading where he said
"Kristen and I are not in a relationship"

Maybe I missed it. It's possible, I suppose.
Thanks again for writing... it totally made my day.

Dear Rose.
Would you please stop saying that the reason we don't like Kristen is because of jealousy? I'm not jealous of that ugly skanky mess. Just because we don't like her and don't kiss her ass like you do, doesn't mean I'm jealous of her. I just don't see why anyone likes her. She's a moody, inconsiderate bitch. That is reason enough to dislike her. So please shut up about it.

Dear Person who was kinda polite while hating on me.
My posts are meant for people who have a sense of humor.

And some common sense.
And who understand the concept of SARCASM.

Do you really expect me to believe
you aren't jealous of Kristen Stewart?

Maybe its not the reason you dislike her.

But come on, you know you are jealous.
She's hanging with Robert Pattinson in hotel rooms...

She's kissing on him and touching him...

She's playing Bella to Rob's Edward.
Rob most obviously adores her...

And that doesn't make you jealous?
Not even a little bit?

Either you are void of all emotion...

Or a liar.

Please don't come to my blog and tell me to shut up.

So that's it.
This post caps off what was a most unusual day

(there's a song there somewhere...)
I dealt with a bit of hate... but that's OK.

All I have to do is look at the HB pictures...
They make me smile.

Bye for now.

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