Saturday, August 15, 2009

5 Stages of Robsten.

Acceptance of Robsten.
Is it possible?
Will there ever come a time
of peace and togetherness
in the land of ROBsessed?
I'm thinking... NO.

Here are the 5 stages of Robsten...
Some people go through the steps
and come out on the other side...
realizing what is right in front of them.
And others? Not so much.
Stage 1: Denial

Denial is a temporary defense against Robsten.
Some people love this stage... live this stage...
"They're just friends."
"He hooks up with all his co-stars"
"Where's the proof?"

Stage 2: Anger

Anger is when they realize that denial is futile.
This is also the stage that many people
seem to get stuck in...
"WHY her??"
"It's going to ruin the movies!"
"She's not good enough for him!"

Stage 3: Bargaining

This is where they cling to hope...
and will say or do anything to rationalize it.
"Please let it be a rumor."
"Just because he's in a hotel with her doesn't mean anything!"
"Perez is right!!! Ted sucks!"

Stage 4: Depression

They finally begin to comprehend
the certainty of Robsten.
"I couldn't care less!"
"They deserve each other."
"It will never last!"

Stage 5: Acceptance

Very few reach this stage...
instead preferring to linger in Denial and Anger.
" I don't want to talk about it anymore."
"Well, someone that hot should be doing it with somebody!"
"As long as Rob is happy... I'm happy!"

The 5 Stages of Robsten...
Which stage are you in?
Bye for now
Edit: This post is only my opinion...
and my opinion is dripping with sarcasm.

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