Monday, August 17, 2009

Rose's Random Rants Regarding Robsten.

I'm annoyed.
And I shouldn't be.
I should be basking in the glow of Robsten love.
But no.
Nonstens have to try and ruin it for me.
Fuck that noise... OK?

1. JFC.
I don't even know where to begin.
I probably shouldn't even start...

2. I've read lots and lots of Robsten comments.
Lots. And lots.
(and let me just add another lots to this.)
When I post my opinion of said comments...
I am stating a general point of view.
*MY* point of view.
I'm not talking about YOU specifically...
whoever the fuck you are.
Tone down the ego, Drama Queens...
It's not always about you.
And in the case of this fucking blog?
It's NEVER about you.

3. Again. People are despondent over the Robsten pics.
I mean... fucking suicidal.
Good Grief. Really?
I've read where women are so upset that Rob is 'taken' now.
They can't watch his movies anymore...
They feel like homewreckers.
They feel like they can't fantasize about him because of Kristen.
"I can't drool over someone elses man."
How many of these women are married?
It's OK to drool over a man if YOU are taken?
I'm confused...
It's just fantasy... Right?
You realize that Rob was never yours to begin with... Right?
I'm glad I'm confused.
If any of that made sense...
I might be suicidal.

4. I love Robsten.
I love Rob and Kristen.
The thought of it makes me smile.
Big time.
What I don't enjoy is the fucking drama
that surrounds Robsten.

Well... that's not completely true.
I do get quite the laugh over it.
The entertainment value alone is worth it.
So I do enjoy that part...

I don't enjoy the DQ's (Drama Queens, again)
who piss and moan over it...
And who still cling to anything that will
support their Nonsten claim.
And for the record?
If you are reading this...
and think this is about you?
All I have to say is...
If the shoe fucking fits? Slide that bitch on.

5. You say Nonsten. I say Robsten.
You don't agree with me.
I don't care.
I'm able to exist with opposing viewpoints.
I don't agree with you.
You get mad.
You get defensive.
I'm glad Rob and Kristen have each other
to get through all this bullshit drama.
I'm sure they must sit back and wonder
why the hell people care so much...
why it's anyone's business who they
want to hang out with.
They are just two people...
Trying to live their lives...
And considering the intense scrutiny...
and constant drama surrounding them...
I think they are doing the best they can.

Bye for now

P.S. Sorry for being so damn bitchy today
(yeah, right... like I'm not always bitchy)
This post is in no way
an attack on all Nonstens.
I know a great many who live and let live.
This post is dedicated to the proud...
the few... the delusional...
(Our beloved Drama Queens)
who can't believe that Rob
doesn't belong to them.
They think Rob is their property.
(DQs are so vain... They probably think this post is about them...
Don't you... Don't you?)
But they are learning...
The hard way.

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