Sunday, May 15, 2011

Rob and Kristen- Now You See Them. Now You Don't.

The way he holds that cigarette. JFC.

Random Thoughts.

1.  Robert and Kristen have been incognito
for quite some time now.
And after the long grueling BD shoot
and the long grueling WFE promotion
Don't they deserve it?

I think the last pic of Rob was some grainy thing
that was supposedly taken in Toronto
and Kristen?
NYC with Bear.

I think it's brilliant.

Some people are losing their minds over tweets
about one or the other being 
here there or everywhere.
But the fact remains that 
NO ONE is really sure where they are.
(Except together... DUH)

And I'm not quite sure why everyone expected
to see pictures of Rob and Kristen out celebrating
Rob's 25th birthday.
The guy just got off a press junket
where his every move and facial expression 
was documented a million times over.
How many times has he said 
"I don't like  having my picture taken"
How many?
So now the guy finally has found some peace
and some solitude in the comfort of
the woman he loves...
And you actually believe hes going to go OUT
to get his picture taken?
Do you people listen to me at all??

2. And to continue on the whole

They both have been seen in Toronto.
Get real.
You fucking KNOW they are together.
Wherever that may be.
It doesn't matter if there are pictures or not.
And don't you love the contradictions?
Because if there were pictures of Kristen taken
in Toronto with or without Robert...
Haters would be screaming
"Why can't she leave him alone!"
"Why must she CLING to him?
(Like you wouldn't)
"She is such a famewhore!"

and now that none have surfaced
(thus far)
"SEE! Kristen isn't even IN Toronto!"
"I'm SO glad Rob got to spend his birthday
without THAT girl!"

Of course I'm with Kristen... I'm ALWAYS with Kristen.

Good Grief.

Just because we can't see them
doesn't mean they aren't together.

I mean...
GOOD PR would dictate that they would be 
prancing and dancing all over Toronto together...
Oh wait.

Robert and Kristen have been seen a lot 
in the past months.
Especially Robert.
Don't they deserve this down time.
This quiet time.
This peaceful time.
This Get Off Our Dicks time?

Think what you want.
They are together.
As always.

3. Let's talk about manips.
I want to.
I don't really want to because they 
CREEP me out for the most part.
So much discussion about them lately.
I don't really pay much attention to manips
because they usually look so fucking... off.
The heads look funny.
The hands are in weird positions.
Purse straps melt into people.
They always look unnatural
and well...

But people keep churning them out
for whatever reason.
And yeah... sometimes they even look pretty good.
But there was a recent one of Kristen and a 'fan'
that was supposedly taken in Toronto.
It was immediately seen for what it was.
A fake.
And then we got the usual Foaming
"Oh the sheep are soooo desperate
They are LOOSING their minds"
(yes, they spell losing as 'loosing')

All this mind 'loosing'
It's rather hilarious.
Would people REALLY 'loose' their minds over
a picture of Kristen with a fan?
And to be brutally honest...
I have little doubt that this pic was done by 
one of those 'loosers' just to stir the pot.
It has been rather stagnant lately.
It's not like one side or another hasn't made manips 
to try and bolster their side.
(Remember the Nikki laying on Rob picture? Hahahaha!)
I think its all incredibly lame.
No matter where you are standing.
And creepy as fuck.

Click on this picture. Fucking GORGEOUS.

4. I don't really have much to say
other than poking fun at people
who seem to think they are 'above it all'

You know who I am talking about.
All those Foaming people who right now
are all claiming to 
and are all
'I don't care, I'm just in it for the laughs'
'I'm only here for ROB, THAT GIRL doesn't exist
in my world'

A. You care.
A lot.
Probably more than anyone.

B. People who don't care
don't spend hours writing about how much
they don't care.
Hours screaming and whining about how much
they don't care!
Trying to convince everyone
just how much they don't care!

C. You give a fuck.
You give a crap.
You are not here for Rob...
You exist for THAT GIRL.
Kristen fucking OWNS you.
You can't go one day without writing about her.
Talking about her.
Whining about her.
Looking at her.
Wondering where she is.
Discuss what she is wearing.
Day in.
Day out.
It's ALL about Kristen.

And for the record.
I care.

Once upon a time...

5. Snow White got her Huntsman.

And imagine...
Kristen going to the UK to film this movie...
Wonder who will be with her?

This was considered a 'manip' once too... HAHAHAHAHA!

This post is brought to you by the letter *T*

Of course they are.
Where else would they be?

T for Totally Unplugged
I hope you enjoyed your 'quiet' weekend.
You deserved it.
A little guitar.
A little wine.
Some good cooking...
and each other.
Perfect weekend is perfect.

T for Tom Sturridge.

Just Because

Tom is working in Vienna right now...
Don't you miss his pretty face?
I do.
A lot.

Green Sheep, Tom.
Green Sheep.

Bye for now

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