Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Rob and Kristen- Twirls and Tortilla Soup

Some Kind of Wonderful.

I'm in a great mood today.
And why shouldn't I be?
All is right in my world.
My family is happy and healthy.
I'm happy and healthy.
(Shut up. I'm not crazy. Much.)
The sun is shining.
The birds are singing.

And as usual...
Song lyrics pop into my head

Aint nothing going to break my stride
Nobody´s going to slow me down
Oh no, I have got to keep on moving
Aint nothing going to break my stride
I am running and I would not touch ground
Oh no, I have got to keep on moving
Not sure why this particular song.
But it's kinda how my brain works.

We had a good weekend in Rob/Kristen land.
Glorious Rob all shiny at the Golden Globes.
Gorgeous Kristen all pretty in Vogue.

And seriously...
The pic above
Dressed to Kill.
Well... that put me over the damn edge.
That last little shove...
and I'm falling.
Falling Fast.

You are so beautiful...

Vogue released some outtakes of Kristen.
(Don't even get me started on THAT word again)
Literally (Lit-trelly) she took my breath away.
There were a lot of beautiful pictures...
But I choose my two favorites

Simply Stunning.

The pictures speak for themselves...
They don't need my inadequate words to try and describe
how incredibly breathtaking Kristen is.

So what else.

Of course there was lots of bullshit drama.
As usual.
I had someone do this huge 'twit-longer' scolding me
because I guess I'm not allowed to have an opinion.
"Stop it, Rose! This must end!"
Or something like that.
What do I say to that?

I realize a lot of people either don't like 
WHAT I say...
HOW I say it.
I  get it.
But I still find myself sitting here thinking about how
they came across what I had to say in the first place.
I can guarantee you that I didn't chase them down
and shove my opinions down their throat.
And I don't post my thoughts and feelings about this stuff
anywhere else but here. 
On my blog.
And I don't personally attack any one person.
I don't name names...
I don't follow people around the internet and harass them.
I don't wish harm or pain on anyone.
I talk of Hatesten
and Hyenas
and Foaming
(Oh My)
It's a pretty broad (and intentionally vague) approach.
But as I have always said
IF you feel like I'm talking about you?
That's YOUR deal.
If you get defensive and angry at my words...
Then I guess they hit a sore spot.
And because it's one of my favorite sayings
and I haven't written it in a while...

Do you think these shoes would fit?

If the shoe fits... Slide that bitch on.

So some random thoughts.
(And stop reading if you just want sunshine and lollipops.)

1. Rob was sick a the Golden Globes...
Poor baby.
He didn't LOOK sick by any means...
but he was coughing and wiping his nose
and he mentioned in a couple of interviews that
he felt pretty lousy.
Don't you just want to hug him?
I hope he got a nice hot bowl of Tortilla soup
when he got back to his house...
Sounds like it would be truly hit the spot.

I'm kinda missing the red plaid shirt. And Tom.

2. I asked one simple question last night on Twitter.
"Has Kristen gotten back to Baton Rouge yet?"
That was all.
I got a bunch of 'Shit stirring'  responses.
Is that what I was doing?
My @replies were filled with a blurb on facebook
claiming to have seen Rob and Kristen at BR private airport.
That's all I wanted to know...
That Kristen and Robert made it back
Safe and Sound.
When did concern about safe travels become fodder for drama?
Is that all it takes now?
A question of someones safety and a twirl?
Good to know.

3. Oh man.
This cartoon.
So the hyenas wolves have been the Sheep all along!

There's really no mystery at all.

4. The mysterious blonde is back!
Oh dear.
Why does it always have to be a mysterious blonde?
Can't it be mysterious brunette?
Or better yet...
Mysterious Redhead?
Yeah, I get that Ted likes to stir the pot...
and I even get that he made sure to point out
that 'Robsten' (I still hate that word) is fine and dandy.
(Did anyone REALLY need his assurance about that? No.)
But really...
Why is it any female in Robert's vicinity is automatically his secret woman?
Why is it that some people blow a fuse everytime Rob 
is near anyone that isn't Kristen?
Why Chuck.... Why?
The moaning and flailing because Kristen isn't attached to Rob 24/7
gets to be a bit much, don't you think?
And the instant hatred and attacks on any female who dares
to look at Rob or be in close proximity?
Stop it.

What do you think he is saying to her?

5. And why is it so much easier for some people
to believe that Rob has been in a secret relationship with 
some non-existent mystery woman...
Than someone he spends as much time as possible with?
Who did Rob visit in Montreal (more than once)?
Who did Rob snuggle up to?
Who did Rob kiss on the street?
Who visited Rob on the set of Bel Ami and WFE?
Who grabbed Rob's hand in Paris?
Who has had her hand on Rob's thigh on multiple occasions?
Who has been seen with Rob on repeated dates
going to concerts and dinners?
She's not the one who is with him.
Do you see how fucked up that logic is?

This is simply Rob and Kristen kissing on NYE.

This picture was taken less than 3 weeks ago...
3 short weeks.
Explain to me again how quickly someone can forget this?
(Or try to convince themselves it never happened... hahaha)
How they can just ignore what is right in front of them...
and focus on some ridiculous bullshit drama?

Final Thoughts.
Hypothetically speaking...
Let's say Kristen went to L.A. with Robert.
He wanted her there with him.
She wanted to support him.
(Hypothetically hanging out with Tom?)
Robert wasn't feeling too good...
But he did his job...
Smiled for the cameras...
He had his moment.
Rob deserves to have his moment without all the fuckery
That always seems to surround him.
The moment was for WFE.
The moment was for Robert.
It was a good moment.

Happy. Together.

Needy, insecure 'shippers' are sometimes worse
than Hatesten.
Because they don't seem to have any faith
in Rob or Kristen.
One minute they are gloriously happy at a picture of them together...
Only to lose their minds because Rob is seen without Kristen.
Doesn't your self inflicted emotional roller coaster tire you out?
It's tedious.

It's ALL there.
Right in front of you.

Rob and Kristen.
As always.

This post is brought to you by the letter *T*

I like the letter T.

T for Tom.
Whom I miss so much.

T for Take a breath and calm down.
You don't need constant reassurance.
You don't.
Have some faith.
Have some trust.
You will not get 24/7 affirmation.
But you get more than enough.

T for TWIRL!
It's fun...
you should try it!
If you think I look good now. You should see me TWIRL!
Bye for now

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