Thursday, January 13, 2011

Rob and Kristen- Without a Doubt

Guess what? That is Rob... on top of Kristen  ;)

One picture.
So much drama.

Oh wait...
I say that just about every day, don't I?

Let's see....

We get a lovely picture of Edward and Bella...
on their honeymoon.
I must admit to being a bit surprised about this considering
the movie won't be out for a LONG time...
People were dancing in the streets!
on top of

Does it end there?
You know me better than that.

Hatesten gotta hate.
(Admit it, Hatesten is what it SHOULD be called...
It's not really about not wanting her with Rob
 it is about just hating her)

Of course...
As SOON as this pic was released...
Endless pictures of Rob and Emilie from RM were posted.
"This is how its done!"
They were SO angry.
So threatened...
But why?
It's just a still.
One moment from a movie.
Oh yes... Rob and Emilie were really sexing it up!
Yeah. OK.
I have no hate towards Emilie...
But she was just his co-star in a movie.
I haven't seen her out and about with Robert recently...
Have you?
I'm pretty sure it was Kristen he was kissing at midnight on NYE.
Now find me some pics of Rob kissing up on Emilie or anyone
else for that matter not on a movie set...
I'll be here... waiting.

And last but not least...
The whole 'bodysuit' thing.
Well... looking at a screenshot...
of a picture...
taken from a magazine?
I will reserve my judgment.
A bodysuit makes no sense.
Even if Kristen wanted to be modest in the shots
(and again... she's been close to naked a number of times before)
They wouldn't put her in something that went up to her neck.

Kristen had no problems with wearing hardly anything and jumping on Rob...

She could be modest with a tube-top...
If that was the point
I say when we see an actual picture
or the actual video...
And we can see it more clearly...
It will probably be revealed to be something entirely different.
And then the foam will be heavy with tears...
and the pictures of Emilie will make the rounds again.


On to better and prettier things...

Are all of Rob's friends beautiful???

Andrew Garfield.
The new Spiderman.
All kinds of good talk about his role in  "The Social Network".
Just Wow.
He looks like Rob's brother.

You knew I would have to get Tom in there somewhere...

And my goodness...
What a gloriously thick incredible mop of hair!
My. My. My.
We shall have to be watching him more closely in the future...
Am I right?
Oh I believe I am.

Are we going to see this on Sunday?
Will Kristen go to the Golden Globes with Rob?

What does the magic 8 ball have to say?

Reply hazy, try again

I kinda don't see it.
(And oh how I would love to be proven wrong)
Although Kristen wouldn't have to go on stage or anything
(we all know how much she enjoys that sort of thing)
Sometimes the fury that surrounds them isn't worth the hassle.
That being said...
I CAN see Kristen going to L.A. with Rob.
You know...
She can see her family...
Hug Jella.
Be there for Rob...
Kinda like he was there for her at the PCA's.
She can hang out with him before the show...
Party with him after...

What does the magic 8 ball think?

Outlook good

I guess we shall see soon enough...

You've really got a hold on me...

Final thoughts.
1. Yeah... I know I will get complaints that I talk about
the haters too much.
But come on...
Poking the stick in the den of crazy is good fun.
If you come to my blog to get 'news'...
Sorry to disappoint.
I blog about my thoughts.
My opinions.
I'm not here to play 'nice'

2. I say let the hyenas foam about the 'bodysuit' all they want.
We should be nice to rabid animals...
Poor things.
Can you imagine spewing bitter foam all the time?
How exhausting it must be to hate 24/7.

The fact remains that it is Rob on top of Kristen.
And that is just one moment from the movie.
So many more delicious moments to come!

And at the end of the day....
Just where are Rob and Kristen?
Oh right.
As always.

What does magic 8 ball say to that?
Without a doubt.

Bye for now

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