Friday, January 21, 2011

Rob and Kristen- Life is but a Dream

Put your head on my shoulder...

Random thoughts.

1 Don't you just LOVE this VF photoshoot?
Man oh man.
I sure do.
It still remains one of my all time favorites
of Rob and Kristen together.
Not only do they both look absolutely gorgeous...
But do you remember when the video came out?
Do you remember what you thought when you saw it?
Rob and Kristen are completely into each other.
I remember it vividly.
Up until that point they did their share of flirting...
but when you looked at these pictures...
and watched the video
There was no doubt something was going on.
They were so intimate with each other...
So close.
It went beyond the flirty stage
They had taken that next step...

Whisper in my ear... Baby
The video was like over an hour long...
And I recall watching it again and again
Fascinated by what I was seeing.
I also remember discussing what we were watching
at great length with other "ROBsessed" fans...
Some not wanting to believe what they saw
Some making excuses for what they saw
Some realizing that Rob and Kristen were
very likely a bit more than friends at this point.
Or at the very least...
Quickly becoming more than friends.

Words I want to hear, Tell me. Tell me that you Love me too.
2. Back to dreams.
I've been having very vivid dreams lately.
So real that when you wake up you are kinda thinking...
"Did that just happen? WTF?"

I have had dreams where my husband was being a total asshat
and then when I woke up...
I was all mad at him!
Truly dreams can be powerful.

So my dream last night had Nikki Reed in it...
But it was kinda set in the "Wizard of Oz"
And there were all sorts of familiar faces in it.

The resemblance is uncanny...
So in my dream...
Nikki was the Wicked Witch of the West.
She spent the better part of my dream chasing poor Dorothy around...
Who had a slight resemblance to Kristen.
No matter where our poor Dorothy went...
Nikki Witch followed.
Cackling and harassing.

Green. Short. Spice.

And then these little kids came out of nowhere...
Kinda creepy.
One of them was Green.
And kinda stumpy.
They started singing.
They just wanted attention.

Poor Dorothy.
Being followed by wicked witches
and little green children.
But never fear!
The Scarecrow saved the day!

The Scarecrow 
Who was a bit adorkable and charming...
and completely intoxicating...
Came to the rescue
and threw the bucket of water on that Witch
and she started melting...

I woke up at the second chorus of
Ding Dong The Witch is Dead!

What a dream... huh?
Life is but a dream.

Cockroaches... Hyenas. Same difference.

3. I debated whether to talk about this or not.
But... it was rather amusing...

I guess someone turned over a rock somewhere
and all the Hatesten cockroaches went scurrying for cover.
Hatesten needs a dark, dank, urine soaked hellhole
(Yes, it's from The Simpsons)
from which to hate on Kristen Stewart.
(And anyone who disagrees with them)
It's what they do.
So I'm sure they have fixed the problem
and have crawled back under their slimy rock.

You are ALL about hate.
That's the only reason you exist.


4. I wonder if Kristen will go to London for the Baftas.
I know that the previous winner usually hands out the award
the following year.
Will she get time off from BD?
Will Rob go with her?
Will they sit together?
Will Kristen smirk when there is a picture
of her and Rob leaving together?
It will never end.

This post is brought to you by the letter *W*

W for Wicked Witches.
No one will miss you.
It's almost like you didn't exist.


W for WOW

Isn't it obvious why I'm crushing on him?


I was lost...
and now I am found.

Bye for now

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