Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Nothing Worth Having Comes Easy

My love must be a kind of blind love... I can't see anyone but you.

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart.
Two people who met and fell in love
At first sight.

Is that too cliché?
But we have all watched it happen before our eyes...
Haven't we?
Two people who had an instant chemistry.
Immediate attraction...

Who may have had separate things in their life at the time
But somehow always came back to each other.

Are the stars out tonight? I don't know if it's cloudy or bright...

Again and again.
Until neither one of them could deny what was happening.
Neither could we.

Robert has talked about his view on relationships a number of times.
He has stated that he believes in being with only ONE person.
Who is that ONE person?
For almost 2 years (or more?)
We have seen just ONE girl show up with Rob
and over.
I doubt it was easy at first.
The furor of Twilight surrounding them...
It's hard to maneuver with that kind of force around you.
How daunting would it be...
To fall in love with the man
That seemingly every female in the world loved, too?
But Robert was more than just "Edward" to Kristen...
Kristen called him her best friend.

I Only Have Eyes For You, Dear.

Being friends...
Best friends
Is a strong foundation to build a relationship.
As friends you have things in common...
A way of looking at life.

I'm sure parts of this relationship
Have been a challenge to navigate.
What relationship is ever easy?
Imagine trying to find your way...
With millions of eyes watching your every move.
It's hard enough to figure things out in life
without scores of people nitpicking and criticizing every step.

The moon maybe high... but I can't see a thing in the sky

When Robert and Kristen are together
Just looking at Rob's face when he is looking at Kristen
Tells you everything.
The man shows every emotion
every feeling
all over his beautiful face.
He's completely smitten.
Totally taken.
Rob Only Has Eyes For Kristen.

Think about when Rob is in public without Kristen.
Sure he smiles and is sweet Rob to other people.
That's his nature.
But he never steps over the line.
His behavior is always appropriate.
He doesn't flirt with other women.
He hardly acknowledges that other women exist at all.
He is always the good boyfriend.
Because his heart belongs to Kristen.
And Rob wears it on his sleeve for everyone to see.

Cause I Only Have Eyes For You.
And Kristen?
We have seen many
unguarded moments 
when she has looked at Rob with complete adoration.
Her face lights up when she looks at him.
She is overwhelmed.
Who wouldn't be?
Do I think she tries (too) hard NOT to look at him?
I think she doesn't want to give anything away.
I think
She knows that she can't control the way she looks at Robert...
So she tries not to.
Do you blame her?

I don't know if we're in a garden... or on a crowded avenue.

Kristen is painfully shy.
She's private.
Why would she want to share with the world
Her personal feelings for Robert?
"It's not my job"
She gives so much already.
You might not think so.
But her relationship with Rob 
isn't part of her job description.
She doesn't owe us any explanations.
I admire the fact that she doesn't sell out
for more press and attention.
I admire that she handles her life...
Her way.
And is willing to get beat up in the press
and in the public eye
for not revealing personal, intimate details of her relationship.
That proves to me how important it really is to her.
How important Rob is to her.
You are here... So am I.

What does the future hold for Robert and Kristen?
If only you could see into the future.
But no one can look at their relationships in life 
and know where they will lead.
Even famous people.

I'm guessing that although the end of the Twilight movies
will be bittersweet...
Both Rob and Kristen are looking forward to shedding
the whole Edward and Bella persona.
Will they be able to do that if they are a couple?
It will take time
which is only natural since they have been
Edward and Bella
for years...
and will continue to do so until 2012.

But you have to think that not making the movies
will help people see Robert and Kristen...
Robert and Kristen.

Maybe millions of people go by... but they all disappear from view.

Hopefully the madness that follows Rob and Kristen around...
will begin to fade...
Just a little.
And maybe
bit by bit
Rob and Kristen will be able to relax in public...
And not have to put up a shield to protect 
What is theirs.

Wishful thinking?
So for now
We can be happy seeing Rob and Kristen happy...
We can enjoy knowing that two people
can find love
and keep love...
And have found the calm eye of the Twilight hurricane

And I Only Have Eyes For You.

This post is brought to you by the letters *L* and *S*

L for LOVE
You see it every time Rob and Kristen are together.
Sometimes you have to fight for it.
Sometimes it's not easy
But it's always there.

S for Sweet
That would be me.
Sweet Rose.
I can only try.

Bye for now

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