Sunday, May 31, 2009

Dream Weaver

Do you want me to sing to you?
I’ll sing all night
if it will keep the bad dreams away.

Edward Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 6, p.105

I wasn't going to post today...

But the MTV Movie Awards are on tonight..

And I am certain that I will be a hot mess

after watching Rob and Kristen...

Seeing the NEW MOON trailer...

So I'm not sure if I will

be coherent and in any shape to post tomorrow.

There is only so much torture

one human can endure.

I've been dreaming a lot lately.

Every once in a while

Rob sneaks in there...

But in my Rob dreams

We sit and talk

And he smiles at me.

He always smiles at me.

But the dreams I've been having lately...

are a bit more disturbing.

(like my complete and utter obsession with Rob ISN'T)

The dreams are varied in some ways...

but all have the same basic theme running through them.

I'm back in high school...

but I can't find my class...

I'm in a shopping mall...

but I can't seem to find my way out...

I'm in a parking lot..

And my car just can't be found.

See what I mean?

What the fuck am I looking for?


endlessly searching.

Obviously there is something missing in my life...

Something that I am constantly looking for.

Something that I don't have...

that is eluding me...

That I desperately want to find.


What could that be?

WHO could that be?

Rob has no doubt infiltrated every fiber

of my being.

I cannot escape the angst...

even in sleep.

You fucking own me, Rob.

Bye for now

Cool dragon tribal tattoo

dragon tribal tattoo
picture of dragon tribal tattoo

Friday, May 29, 2009

15 Seconds To Forever...

15 seconds.
That's all it is.

And I can't stop watching it.

Watching Edward...
trying so hard to distance himself
from Bella.

15 fucking seconds.

And she says..


We get to hear it.
After seeing the pictures
where Bella rushes to Edward...
and pushes him back ...
out of the sun...

And now this?

I have high hopes

15 seconds.

Multiply that by...

I can't stop watching it.

Just to see Rob...
immerse himself so deeply
into Edward.
It makes me so emotional.
What is WRONG with me?

15 seconds

And I'm a fucking loony toon.

It's Wabbit season, and I'm hunting wabbits,
so be vewy, vewy quiet!
Bye for now

Vanessa Hudgens No Makeup

Is Vanessa Hudgens the most beautiful star in hollywood, without makeup? We think so!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Death Metal Tattoos: part 2

I wish I knew what this was, I really do. It looks like a totem pole of demons? With some kind of weird scarred-out blob in the middle. Is it a tribal-mutant batman logo? AND DO YOU SEE THE SCRATCHED UP FETUS ON HIS ELBOW? I mean really, how could you miss that? I don't even know what the stuff on his forearm is. If anyone can help decipher this, please let me know! I was staring at this guy for ages trying to figure it out.

I wish I knew what was on his back, too. You can see a bit of it poking out. I bet it's incredible.

Since I Saw Him Standing There...

I'm not sure how I got through yesterday.
And I'm 100% serious.
Getting bombarded with all these pictures...
Rob looking so beautiful...
Actually getting to see Edward/Bella come to life.

I was consumed by the images.
Of course, a lot of people
had a lot to say about these pictures.
Unfortunately, once again...
Relegating Rob into something that
you gnaw and chew on...
But that's another post...
for another time.

I would rather focus on the pictures.
So many glorious pictures...
Rob and Kristen looking gorgeous
in every one.

But the one that moved me the most?
The one I put in this post.

It's SO Edward and Bella to me.
He's holding her so tightly...
His arms pressing into her.
His face nuzzled in her neck...
She is wrapped around him...


So yeah...
Rob Pattinson is sexy hot...
He had his shirt off and looked

But he was a whole lot more...
He was Edward.

Bye for now

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Death Metal Tattoos: part 1

I went to the Maryland Deathfest this past weekend and OH BOY did I see so many amazing metal tattoos! One million distorted zombies! Ten thousand blurry black and white messes of somethingorother! A good handful of band logos! I have a LOT to share with you guys, but let me start with this gem (perhaps the best of the bunch):

THAT GIRL IS TRUE. EVIL. I love the fancy flourishes added to each word, it really rubs in the brutality of her tattoo.

Tune in soon for more!

Robert Pattinson Shirtless Is Edward Cullen Perfection...

I finally have seen one of my favorite scenes from New Moon...
brought to life.

Robert Pattinson has taken off his shirt...
and lo and behold... he has an 8 pack.
Yes. He looks incredibly sexy... incredibly Edward.
Robert has been working out... and it has paid off handsomely.
I don't know what else I can possibly say here.
I'm so totally in love with Robert Pattinson.
I thought that the pictures from Cannes would kill me?
Now I know what sweet death is really like.
I'm fucking gone.
"I've had all I can stands... and I can't stands no more."

I love you, Robert.
Always and Forever.

Kristen Minus Oregano = Robert

This is a kind of follow up to yesterdays post.
I truly didn't mean to ruffle any feathers.
I was just giving my thoughts...
with a little sarcasm thrown in.
But I want to go into the
of what I was thinking.

+ Rob looks absolutely gorgeous as always.
That is always a plus.
No minus... no negative.
Always a good place to start... Yes?

Plus + OK... I don't know Michael Angarano
(see? I even spelled his name right!)
He might be a great guy...
He might be all kinds of wit and charm.
I don't have a clue...
but neither do you.
Minus- He's still short and stumpy.
Minus- He still has a goofy little face
and silly voice.
Plus+ He hasn't been around Kristen much lately.
Missed her birthday. (I think that's a huge deal)
Not doing his usual lurking thing.
Minus- Someone said that Kristen has said she
is dating Oregano (oh shut up, its funny)
But when was the last time she said that?
The end of 2008?
Some point out that she is holding his hand
in this picture...
But she was also seen holding Taylor Lautners hand...
and Jacksons hand...
I'm just calling it like I see it.
Oh... and Nikki Reed.
I think she's very pretty...
She always comes across very sweet in interviews...
But she needs to find her own way.
Glomming onto famous friends?
Minus ---------
Plus++ I love this picture.
A picture taken when neither one of them
knew it was being taken.
Again... I was reminded that
the chemistry shared between
Robert and Kristen has died down...
That its not the same as when they
were making Twilight.
And I say this.
While Kristen and Robert were making Twilight...
They were 2 goofy kids
Enjoying themselves... getting to know each other...
And in interview after interview...
It was obvious how attracted they were
to each other... and how intimate they had become.
They were having fun.
They aren't allowed the same freedom now.
They can't be themselves because they are always
being photographed and analyzed...
But once in a while...
in a picture like the one above...
You can still see it.
Plus +++++++++
Bottom line?
50% of what I say about Rob and Kristen...
is obnoxious sarcasm.
Because it always seem to stir the shit.
And I always find that amusing on many levels.
I'm a brat... what else can I say?
But a part of me also likes seeing
Rob and Kristen together.
Like in the picture...
++++++++ Pluses all around!
Whether Rob and Kristen
are 'together' or not doesn't really concern me...
I still think they have a real connection.
I still think there is a real sexual chemistry.
I still think they make each other happy.
And as I have said before...
and will no doubt say again and again...
I like seeing Rob happy!
++++++++++ PLUS!!!
So... while people might read this and think
I am just seeing what I want to see...
projecting my wants and desires onto
Rob and Kristen...
I feel that those same people
are believing what they want to believe.
It works both ways, doesn't it?
I can't help that MY way is the RIGHT way!
1. Rob and Kristen share something.
Something intimate.
2. Nikki and Oregano should hook up.
They make a cute couple.
Well... as cute as they can....
3. I don't apologize for being a smart ass...
It's better than being a dumb ass.
4. People need to calm down when it comes
to Roberts love life.
None of us know the truth...
We just like to gossip and speculate.
Some people let it consume them...
and some people get so upset
with the gossip sites...
Who cares what Laimey says... Or this Ted guy?
They don't know any more
than anyone else.
Unless I see and hear the words
come out of
Rob's mouth (now THAT'S a picture!)
I will take everything else with a grain of salt...
And have a nice giggle or two.
Isn't it fun?
It should be.
Bye for now

FREE 12 Zodiac Tattoo Designs Gallery

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Zodiac denotes an annual cycle of twelve stations or "signs" along the ecliptic, the apparent path of the Sun across the heavens, dividing the ecliptic into twelve equal zones of celestial longitude. As such, the zodiac is a celestial coordinate system, more precisely an ecliptic coordinate system, taking the ecliptic as the origin of latitude, and the position of the sun at vernal equinox as the origin of longitude.

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Celebrity Pictures Hyori

Hyori! I’ve been saving the Hyori feature for awhile. She’s the first Korean Idol to be featured on Kineda. Hyori was bornon May 10th, 1979 in Choong Book, Korea. Noted by many as the hottest Korean girl on that planet. I doubt anyone will argue that. As the leader of popular singer group FINKL(Fine Killing Liberty), Hyori was discovered while taking sticker pics with her friends at the mall. Ever since then, I think we’ve all been in love.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

About Three Things I Was Absolutely Positive...

So I've been thinking about stuff...
and I thought if I wrote it down it might help me.
Do I really believe that? Not really.
But it seems like a 'sane' thing to say.
Self analyzing and all that bullshit.
Honestly, I've been writing this blog
since September of last year...
Do I SEEM any more in control of my emotions?
Is there even a glimmer of rational thought?

Didn't think so.
At least I'm still present enough to realize
how fucking far gone I really am.
Anyway. Some thoughts.

1. Robert Pattinson truly owns me.
He might as well have a collar around my neck...
(oooh... so Domward)

2. I'm so in favor of Rob/Kristen hook-up.
Seriously, this is something else that I have thought about.
I don't get all caught up in the intimate details
(I do have feelings, you know)
And I know I have discussed this before...
But there is something so real between them.
The body language... the way they look at each other...
The smiles on their faces when they are together.
They are so intimate with each other...
An intimacy that 'friends' don't share.
Now, maybe I'm OK with this because
of the whole "Twilight" thing...
Transferring my love of Edward/Bella
to Rob/Kristen...
And that's very possible.
But there is no denying the attraction
between them.
People can argue and rant and rave
all they fucking want.
But you can't dispute what is right in front of you...
You all can see it... You know you can.

3. Michael Arag...Arangano...
Ah fuck it.
There was a video of a bunch of people
kinda making fun of Catherine Hardwickes
'behind the scenes' stuff in Twilight.
So we have Nikki Reed and Oregano
hamming it up for the camera.
OK. (And why aren't these 2 knuckleheads together?)
Nikki was downright annoying...
squealing and chirping...
And why do I feel like she's ALWAYS like that?
And Oregano.
Sweet Jesus.
He's a total dork.
(Kristen... seriously... WHAT.THE.FUCK?)
Not only is he all stumpy and squatty (you know it's true)
But he's goofy looking...
And his voice???
Man Oh Man...
I looked up the definition for BLAND...
And you tell me if it fits OREGANO.

Main Entry:
Part of Speech:
tasteless; undistinctive
banal , blah*, boring, dull, dull as dishwater, flat, flavorless, ho hum, humdrum, insipid, milk-and-water, monotonous, nerdy, nothing, pabulum*, sapless*, tame, tedious, unexciting, uninspiring, uninteresting, unstimulating, vanilla*, vapid, waterish, watery, weak, wimpy, wishy-washy*, zero*

Yeah. That's about PERFECT.
Every one of those synonyms equals Oregano.
Sorry Mike...
Truth is fucking truth.
You really should just call it a day...

The party is fucking OVER.

I you, Robert Pattinson.
Always and Forever.

Bye for now

Monday, May 25, 2009

Desperately Seeking Robert Pattinson...

For almost ninety years I’ve walked among my kind, and yours…
all the time thinking I was complete in myself,
not realizing what I was seeking.
And not finding anything,
because you weren’t alive yet.

Edward Cullen, Twilight, Chapter 14, p.304

I guess I have to deal with this picture.
Why is it the pictures released from the movies...
are not of Edward/Bella actually kissing?
It's always the lean into the kiss.

"Here you go, Folks... just a little something
to fucking torture you with..."

And it works!


I don't have a lot to say today.
I'm getting back to some kind of normalcy
after the destruction of Cannes...
But parts of me are still numb.
I only wish one of those parts was my heart.

But no...
That part of me is working just fine.
Of course.
And it belongs to Robert.
As usual.

Bye for now

Sunday, May 24, 2009

girly tattoo pictures

girly foot star tattoo picture -temporary tattoo for girls
girly tattoo pictures
This cute lower back tattoo is perfect for a girly girl who wants something simple and feminine
cute lower back tattoo
Back girly tattoo picture
Back girly tattoo

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Drowning in Robert Pattinson...

Do you ever feel like you just can't breathe?
That you are suffocating... overflowing with emotions?
I feel like I'm drowning... spiraling deeper downward...
Deluged by all the pictures of Rob at Cannes...
Overflowing with his beauty
Drenched in his perfection.
Gasping for breath...
I'm trying to get to the surface.
I can see the light up above.
But it's so far to go...
Rob is in Italy now.
Safely ensconced by security.
Hopefully hidden from cameras.
It's a good thing... I think.
At least for me.
I can feel myself pushing upward...
choking for air...
gulping down my feelings...
and finally being able to breathe again.


I you, Robert Pattinson.

I truly do.

Bye for now

Celebrity Reviews Lin Yi Chen

Name: Lin Yi Chen
Profession: Actress and Singer
Birthday: 29 October 1982
Height: 160cm
Birthplace: Taiwan

Lin Yi Chen is Taiwan cute actress and singer. Her English name is 'Ariel Lin'. She started career from supermodel contest. She's popular from Taiwan love comedy series, It Start With A Kiss.

Celebrity Reviews Kim Sa-rang

Kim Sa-rang (born January 12, 1978) is a Korean actress. Her first name is the Korean word for "love". Kim was crowned Miss Korea on May 28, 2000 at the Sejong Cultural Center, the site of the 1980 Miss Universe Pageant, and was subsequently handed her acting career. Kim also represented the Land of the Morning Calm (Korea) in the Miss Universe Pageant 2001. During the pageant, she won the award for Best National Costume because of her beautiful Korean hanbok dress.