So I've been thinking about stuff...
and I thought if I wrote it down it might help me.
Do I really believe that? Not really.
But it seems like a 'sane' thing to say.
Self analyzing and all that bullshit.
Honestly, I've been writing this blog
since September of last year...
Do I SEEM any more in control of my emotions?
Is there even a glimmer of rational thought?
Didn't think so.
At least I'm still present enough to realize
how fucking far gone I really am.
Anyway. Some thoughts.
1. Robert Pattinson truly owns me.
He might as well have a collar around my neck...
(oooh... so Domward)
2. I'm so in favor of Rob/Kristen hook-up.
Seriously, this is something else that I have thought about.
I don't get all caught up in the intimate details
(I do have feelings, you know)
And I know I have discussed this before...
But there is something so real between them.
The body language... the way they look at each other...
The smiles on their faces when they are together.
They are so intimate with each other...
An intimacy that 'friends' don't share.
Now, maybe I'm OK with this because
of the whole "Twilight" thing...
Transferring my love of Edward/Bella
to Rob/Kristen...
And that's very possible.
But there is no denying the attraction
between them.
People can argue and rant and rave
all they fucking want.
But you can't dispute what is right in front of you...
You all can see it... You know you can.
3. Michael Arag...Arangano...
Ah fuck it.
There was a video of a bunch of people
kinda making fun of Catherine Hardwickes
'behind the scenes' stuff in Twilight.
So we have Nikki Reed and Oregano
hamming it up for the camera.
OK. (And why aren't these 2 knuckleheads together?)
Nikki was downright annoying...
squealing and chirping...
And why do I feel like she's ALWAYS like that?
And Oregano.
Sweet Jesus.
He's a total dork.
(Kristen... seriously... WHAT.THE.FUCK?)
Not only is he all stumpy and squatty (you know it's true)
But he's goofy looking...
And his voice???
Man Oh Man...
I looked up the definition for BLAND...
And you tell me if it fits OREGANO.
Main Entry:
Part of Speech:
tasteless; undistinctive
banal , blah*, boring, dull, dull as dishwater, flat, flavorless, ho hum, humdrum, insipid, milk-and-water, monotonous, nerdy, nothing, pabulum*, sapless*, tame, tedious, unexciting, uninspiring, uninteresting, unstimulating, vanilla*, vapid, waterish, watery, weak, wimpy, wishy-washy*, zero*
Yeah. That's about PERFECT.
Every one of those synonyms equals Oregano.
Sorry Mike...
Truth is fucking truth.
You really should just call it a day...
The party is fucking OVER.
I ♥ you, Robert Pattinson.
Always and Forever.
Bye for now ♥
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