Monday, January 17, 2011

Rob and Kristen- The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.

Pretty x 2

So we are finally past the Golden Globes.
Thank God.
I don't know why but these award things/public appearances
really take a lot out of me.
I get all nervous flip/floppy about seeing Robert.
Silly... I know.
But it's all about anticipation and anxiety.
That's what intoxication is all about.
And know this...
I'm completely intoxicated with Robert.

So let's get to The Good.
The Bad.
The Ugly.

Is anyone surprised to see Lurker Nick on the Red Carpet with Rob? No.

Robert cleans up nice.
Nice and shiny and pretty.
I like shiny Robert.
Shiny Robert is definitely GOOD.

Rob's hair color was discussed at great length...
Yeah, it's kinda a reddish color.
Rob could probably have blonde hair and still look gorgeous.
Maybe not.
I don't know.
I mean... does it matter what surrounds that face?
Does the color of the hair really matter?

His hair is quite short right now.
He was working on WFE reshoots over the weekend.
And if I haven't made it perfectly clear by now...
WFE Rob is probably my favorite Rob.

Oh Look! Lurker Nick!

So it all fits that WALKING ROB
in WFE mode...
Walking Rob.
You all know how I feel about walking Robert.
Why is that?
I wish I could explain the feeling I get...
when I see him in motion.
I wish.
Maybe if I could articulate my thoughts...
I could actually get a handle on why Robert affects me the way that he does.

So walking Robert?

Robert and his little brother Andrew.

More Good.

Robert and Andrew Garfield.
They look like brothers.
They got the hair thing...
and the eyebrow thing...
and the tall skinny thing.
And the adorable British thing.
Cute as hell.
And believe me...
Hell is pretty damn cute.
It has to be... right?

I only have eyes for Tom.
More Good.
Well... this picture is all kinds of good.
(Oh how I miss her beautiful face)
(I'm embarrassed to tell you how many times I've watched Pirate Radio)
And Garrett Hedlund.
Who happened to be at the Golden Globes last night.
Who happened to be asked about Robert last night.
Who just happened to say that Rob...
Visited the OTR set "a couple times"
Oh yes he did.
But we already knew that, didn't we?
Of course we did.

Not quite Ninja Stew

So where was Kristen Stewart?
Although I was hoping she would pop up with Robert...
We all kinda knew that wasn't going to happen.
I was told that presenters don't get a 'plus one'
Nominees get 'plus one'
I guess room is scarce at the Golden Globes.
It seems a lot of people were there sans their partners.
Not that the GG is Kristen's kinda scene.
But surely...
IF Summit had wanted to do the ULTIMATE PR...
SURELY Kristen would have been at the Summit Table.
What better opportunity would there be to push
Breaking Dawn AND Rob and Kristen?
Oh right.
Summit will PRETEND to fly Kristen to IOW for NYE
just for the ILLUSION that she and Rob are together
But they won't go to that kind of trouble
for a nationally televised award show?
Any way you look at it...
The whole PR angle is bullshit.
May it rest in Foam.

Rumor had it Kristen was in L.A. with Robert...
Did she turn up anywhere?
Remains to be seen.
But as usual...
She is doing her best Ninja-Stew and we may not see her again
The Academy Awards?
It's been talked about.
More Good?
Robert was talked as the star of the upcoming WFE.
I love that.
He seems so genuinely thrilled and excited about this movie.
He's just bursting with pride.

Reminds me of "Remember Me"
Rob said it was 'one of the best' experiences he's had making a movie.

(The bad? Haters jumped on this as some sort of insult to Kristen.)

I cannot tell you how thrilled I am for Rob...
I'm just giddy with excitement to see WFE.
I know I will love it.
I know I will lose my mind.
I know.

I kinda feel like he's all grown up now...
Watching him get better and better before my eyes.

What? Did I say something wrong?
I'm not sure what I can say about Ricky Gervais.

I still love him.

But even I cringed a bit at some of things he said.
And for ME to cringe?
That's kinda saying a lot.
I just kept laughing and cringing...
and thinking there just wasn't enough of him on the show.

The thing about this kind of show...
without someone like Gervais there to keep it down to earth...
it's just another lame award show where
celebrities are telling everyone how great they are.
Yada Yada Yada.

So the Good is Ricky Gervais is funny as fuck.
The bad is that he might not be back next year
because some of the people he introduced seemed a bit annoyed.

Oh and Rob is good.
Rob is ALWAYS good.


I'm not sure there really was much bad to be said for last night.
Rob looked glorious.
I love the tie rather than the bowtie.
I loved the color.

The bad?
We didn't get to see Kristen this weekend...
But that's OK.
Knowing is Good.

The Ugly?
I could get into the Hyenas.
But I just took a shower...
and I really don't want to get all foamy.

Suffice to say that they seem to think Rob being
at the Golden Globes without Kristen is some sort of sign.
As usual.
And if she had turned up they would have been foaming about that.

Can't win for Foaming.


You ever wonder where Rob and Kristen are RIGHT now?


This post is brought to you my the letter *T*

T for Tom Sturridge.
Someone sent me a very sexually suggestive picture of him...
Hot fucking damn.
At least I think its him...
It looks like him.
and I would post it here...
Maybe another day.

I love you, Tom Sturridge.
That is all I have to say about that.

T for TWIRLY!!

Twirly beats Foamy EVERY TIME.


Bye for now
*A special thanks to Real PR Pro for the fascinating info*

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