Sunday, October 3, 2010

Rob and Kristen- Having Our Cake and Eating It Too...

What to say... what to say...

Kinda knew Robert was hanging with Kristen in L.A.
He has been since he got back from London...
Just kinda frosting on the cake...
You know that cake... right?
The one you want
The one you want to eat, too...
That cake.

The Robert and Kristen together again Cake.
The Robert and Kristen keep ending up with each other Cake.
The don't you ever get sick of being wrong Cake.

My cake...
My deliciously handsome cake...
Is ever so scrumptious
So exquisite
So delectable...

Your cake?
So Gross.

So let's enjoy the Robert and Kristen Twirly Cake...

The Robert is completely SMITTEN with Kristen cake...

The Robert and Kristen are together and I hope
you don't choke on your dry bitter Cake.

The keep clinging to PR! Even though we all know
that it is ridiculous bullshit Cake.


Oh Yeah...
Not only am I a "Grandma"
But I got word that some people wanted to shut down my blog.
That is supremely hilarious to me.
All I do here is state my opinion on
the ongoing Robert and Kristen debate.
That's all.
I don't shove my opinion down your throat
(Although I'm sure it is full of that bitter, dry cake anyway)
This is the only place I post... 
I don't seek you out.
You don't like what I have to say?
Get the fuck out.
So very simple.

I bet it tastes bitter...

This post is brought to you by the letters *I* and *L*

I for the infinite number of times
that people can be wrong
and still cling to bullshit
(Yes, it's still around your lips)

L for Loving Leo.
Thank you Leo for taking care of my friends.
I was in the car and unable to help...
You took care of it.
Thank You.

Bye for now
P.S. I apologize for not wearing the Rose colored glasses again...
I forgot to pack them when we left for the weekend.
 I promise to look for them soon...

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