The wrinkly, crumpled, messy Rob?
Or the suave, debonair, dressy Rob?
I'm not sure.
Although I think its safe to say that Rob is probably
more fond of the wrinkly messy image...
Since that is the one he projects most often.
Robert cleans up nicely...
and I'm so glad that he fucking rocked that tux
at the Academy Awards.
Our boy is smart.
He knows when to play the game.
But if I am being honest...
I prefer the wrinkled, messy Rob.
Because I believe that is the closest
to who Rob really is.
He doesn't give a shit what he looks like...
He stays true to himself...
with what makes him comfortable...
and he still looks fucking gorgeous anyway.
Rob is beautiful...
but he's not a 'pretty boy'.
Because he doesn't try to be beautiful...
he just IS.
And he doesn't care if you
think he's gorgeous...
Because he is just being Robert...
He can't help that he has those seductive eyes...
that chiseled jawline,
those pouty, kissable lips...
That wonderfully imperfect nose...
The disheveled, thick mass of hair,
and those cheekbones...
Fucking to DIE for.
But you can tell he doesn't put much
importance on his looks...
Obviously he wouldn't go out looking like he
does so much of the time.
But that makes him
ALL the more
Bye for now♥
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